Giant master God: you guys do as you please, I'm going to show off first _1

The Storm Lord's current appearance looked like an ordinary Storm Giant with blue-purple skin.

Wisps of wind and thunder surrounded and bred on the surface of his body, but he did not reveal any extraordinary divine power or divine light. His body size was only maintained at about ten meters tall.

It was just a single Storm Giant, and it was not eye-catching in the imprinted city, which contained all living creatures.

In the city of imprint, if there was a chance, one could even see the blazing Angel and the Abyssal Demon standing side by side.

The Storm Lord did not enter the city of heraldry directly.

He stopped outside the city of imprint and stopped his steps.

The other intelligent creatures that were entering and leaving the city of marks only took a glance at the storm Giant standing outside the city before looking away with disinterest.

At that moment, a middle-level devil, covered in a ferocious heavy armor, was blocked by the Lord of Storms.