The rainbow Dragon's unknown quirk (2)

"Sure, I'll satisfy you," garen laughed.

Under ISA's doubtful gaze, the silver Dragon extended its claws and snapped its fingers.


The chronicled explosion instantly created a chaotic flow of time and accurately exploded at the most vulnerable nodes in the country of light.

Then, the entire country of light dimmed temporarily. As the complete laws of space were broken, ISA lost the enhancement from the country of light.

After a moment of silence.

Yisa looked at the silver Dragon, who was rubbing his hands, and smiled stiffly.

"Brother garen, is it too late for me to admit my mistake now?"

Garen waved his dragon claws and said,"now you know how to call me big brother?" It's too late."

Looking at the silver Dragon pouncing at him, Yisa hurriedly retreated and said, " "Wait, I have one last request."

"Don't fight this time ..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his body was bound by the frozen time.

Half an hour later.