The fourth evil mastermind behind the scenes

After hearing Chris's serious words, the 3000 Supreme laws looked at each other and fell into a strange silence.

At the same time, on the other side of the circular staircase.

Yisa, who was also a Rainbow Dragon, was stunned at first, then he glared at Christy. He was angry and a little annoyed, as if he was angry that he didn't make the suggestion.

Christy glared back at him.

"Everyone, let's vote."

After a moment of silence, Emperor alfax helplessly rubbed his forehead and said.

Upon hearing this, only a hundred magic lights lit up.

Without a doubt, Christy's proposal didn't make it.

At the guest ring ladder, garen looked at the Supreme mages who were glowing with elemental spiritual light with a strange gaze.

He really didn't expect that there would be a supreme law that approved of Christy's proposal.