The mysterious relationship between the three legendary dragon descendants.1

Alpha Empire, seventh satellite world, ISA Academy.

In the large-scale Civil War that was gradually engulfing the main planet and the satellite world, the ISA Academy on the seventh satellite world was naturally not spared. Whether they wanted to participate or not, they were dragged into it like many other magic Academies.

&Nbsp; Weng Weng Weng!

The air trembled violently.

Looking out from the high buildings of the ISA Academy, one could see a ring-shaped shock wave sweeping toward them at high speed.

Endless dust, broken trees, crushed rocks the size of. human head ... Countless debris was swept up by the impact wind blades, as if a huge wave had rolled up from the ground, bringing with it a terrifying pressure.

Their target was the ISA Academy.

This spell was created by the mages of the sky glory Academy. It was filled with hatred and anger as it attacked the raging flame Magic Academy.

At the same time.