The innocent young female Warlock and her little silver Dragon

"You can meet all kinds of creatures when you play this game."

this time, we even encountered the incarnation of the God of tyranny.

"If I don't have enough confidence, I can't tell if I'm the Hunter or the prey."

Garen thought to himself.

After that, garen and Yuna continued to stay here, waiting for the next batch of prey who thought they were the hunters to arrive.

As time passed, three more attacks were launched, but none of them were as special as the dark Paladins. They were all adventurers who came for wealth, honor, and other benefits.

After that, garen and Yuna waited for more than two months, but they didn't see a single person.

This was because no matter how strong the adventurers who entered the forest to kill Dragons were, none of them came out alive. Under such circumstances, other adventurers who wanted to hunt Dragons did not dare to set foot in the forest as they felt that something was wrong.

"Oh, we should go to another place."