Lord of Shadow Shallow, No matter how vengeful you are, you shouldn't chase me to the Abyss, right?Watch My Performance!

The Lord of Shadow Shallow was not good at direct combat, but no matter how bad it was, it was still a Demon Lord with a weak Divine Power. Its strength was much higher than all the demons and machines on the battlefield. It was on a completely different level. It could even be said to be a dimensional attack.

He had thought that he could destroy all these mechanical dragons with one strike, but he did not expect them to be able to withstand it.

This made the Fiend Lord feel that his dignity had been challenged.

"Since that's the case, play with me for a while.”

The Lord of Shadow Shallow Beach snorted coldly.

Its body began to glow with a thick, almost tangible, bloody light. At the same time, it expanded rapidly and transformed into a super huge black-red bat with a wingspan of nearly 10,000 meters.

This was the Bottomless Abyss, not the prime material plane. There was no suppression of creatures above the demigod level.