Shout, You Won't Even If You Shout Your Throat…

Prime Material Plane, Metal World.

Under the metal curtain that covered the sky, countless mechanical bases were operating non-stop. The buzzing sounds of machines operating were endless. The entire surface of the world was almost covered in metal and steel, and there was not a single living thing.

On the surface, under the sky.

The tiny silver specks of light gathered and formed into the shape of a silver dragon.

Garen appeared in the Metal World and looked at the familiar environment here. Finally, his gaze focused on a giant mechanical pillar that towered into the sky, reaching up to the metal canopy and down to the underground core.

In this world of metal, the silver dragon that had suddenly arrived seemed out of place.

However, the countless mechanical creations that were responsible for patrolling and guarding the ground and the sky seemed to turn a blind eye to it. They only mechanically followed the procedures to patrol and guard.

"My Lord, welcome."