The First Meeting with the Strength Dragon Ancestor

It caused a star to evolve into a supernova in a very short time........... The information behind this made Garen shudder.

However, he did not have the time to think about this now, because the extremely dangerous supernova light beam was approaching. Garen was not afraid of the destructive power of the supernova light beam, but the problem was that if it hit the star where Yuna was, he could not predict what kind of violent reaction would happen.

If something happened to the star, Yuna, who was in the core of the star, would be in danger.

This supernova explosion was more dangerous than all the accidents that Garen had encountered before.

The star was too huge, and the destructive light rays formed by the supernova explosion were also overwhelming. It was difficult for him to protect the star from being affected.

"Yuna, it's time to leave."