Four Thousand Years Later, The Real Time Dragon (1)

After roaming around the galaxy for a few days and admiring the beautiful scenery of the galaxy, Garen and Yuna returned to the Dragon Court Dimension.

Not long after arriving at the Dragon Court and entering the dragon's nest deep within the Eternal Palace, Yuna quickly fell into a deep sleep again to digest the enormous energy she had absorbed from the star core.

The moment this energy was completely absorbed and transformed was the moment Yuna officially broke through to the demigod level and became a weak divine creature.

As for the specific time required for this process, Garen and Yuna were not very clear about it, they could only estimate that it would take at least a few more years.

When Garen was still a young dragon, sleeping for a year at a time was considered very long.

Most of the time, he would sleep for weeks or months.