Since You See This God, Why Don't You Bow?(1)

Nessus Floating City, the headquarters of the Spacetime Dragon Sect.

It was a giant city that hovered in the sky above the sea. The huge and magnificent floating city blocked the sunlight, casting a faint shadow on the blue sea, undulating with the waves.


Nessus Floating City was unprecedentedly bustling.

Spell Casters whose bodies were wrapped in elemental spiritual light arrived at Nessus Floating City from all directions.

At that moment, the streets of the Floating City were bustling with people. Most of them were heading toward a towering dragon-shaped temple.

The magnificent temple, which was entirely made of a strange silver-white metal and had the shape of a dragon, was the headquarters of the Spacetime Dragon Cult in this floating city. As the once-in-a-decade Divine Grace Ceremony was about to begin, Spell Casters from all walks of life came to participate.

During the Grace Ceremony.