Yuna Awakens, Fighting for Her Family Status (2)

"I missed you so much!"

After being pressed down and kissed fiercely for a while, Garen exerted force on his body. As Yuna cried out in surprise, he pushed the Energy Dragon girl off his body and reversed the situation just now.

Under Garen's pressure, the Strength Dragon girl exerted all her strength, wanting to take the initiative again.

However, although Yuna had successfully advanced to a Lesser Divine Power, her Creature Level was just 60. There was still a certain gap between her and Garen, and she could not compete with Garen in terms of strength.

"Damn it, I want to be on top."

Yuna swung her tail and flapped her dragon wings, but no matter what, she was unable to send Garen flying again.

At the same time, the silver dragon said with interest,Little Yuna, don't resist anymore. "

"It's useless. Just follow me strangely.”

Yuna had been asleep for a long time, and now that she had finally woken up, Garen was quite excited.

"You're bullying me."