The Dragon's Shepherd

When the dragon opened its mouth, its sharp teeth shone, but Chester's fear was reduced.

"You, are you the messenger of the gods?”

Chester gulped and said with difficulty.

The dragon shook his head, his face as calm as water. He said in a matter-of-fact tone,"Envoy? No, the world respects me as the dragon of eternity and time, and sees me as a god.”

The Dragon of Eternity and Time, God ..............

Chester had only heard of the Good God and the Evil God. He had never heard of the Dragon of Eternity and Time.

However, under the shadow of the dragon, he was completely convinced by the dragon's words. He did not even have a trace of doubt. His spiritual will was completely captured by Garen's imposing manner.

"Now, put away your doubts and answer my question first.”

"I'll ask you again."

"Young man, do you desire power?"

Chester was slightly taken aback by the silver dragon's solemn expression.