The Leader of the Gods, the Heavenly Court and the Royal Court


"After the Fire Country is repaired, the rock dragons can go to the underground world and freely choose a suitable territory to live in.”

On the first level of the Hero Domain, the Eternal Heroic Spirit Hall welcomed a Dragon God.

The God of Stone Giants, now the God of Stone Dragons.

Scroleus looked like a dragon sculpture formed by layers of rocks. There were no dragon scales on his body, only rough rocks. However, his appearance was also in the form of a majestic stone dragon. His eyes were like red gems.

Abandoning the appearance of a giant, the current him, like his own people, had already transformed into the form of a dragon.

As for whether the Rock Dragon God was loyal or not, that was not important.

After all, the Rock Dragon God had a history of carrying many contracts at the level of gods, and he was willing to sign them for his own people. He could only go down the same path as the Dragon God.
