Mythical Dragon Species, Battle Between Dragons.(2)

"It seems to be the Emperor Dragon species."

"No, it's not a king dragon. All king dragons don't have wings.”

This dragon looked like a king dragon, but it was also different from a king dragon.

On its back, there was a pair of wide wings with wingspans that even exceeded its body length. Flowing light flickered on them, and phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder, clouds, and flames alternated frequently.

At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor looked at Garen and said to the True Dragon who had arrived beside him, ""Gengchen, this is the leader of the Legendary Dragon species, the Time Dragon Garen Aurelian, your opponent.”

The dragon named Geng Chen nodded and remained silent. He looked at Garen, and his eyes revealed an obvious battle intent.

The Heavenly Emperor introduced Garen again, ""Garen Aurelian, your opponent is called Gengchen, Ying Long Gengchen.”