Time Dragon Was Countercurrent, The Cold Time Dragon.(2)

As the ruling class, how could the Dragon God lineage be willing to return to the Primordial Era with the Aragami?

Regardless of their current status, True Dragons loved wealth and loved creatures to follow them under their dragon wings. They liked to praise their glory and deeds, pursue beauty and food, indulge themselves, and enjoy the feeling of being a lord. In essence, they preferred a more prosperous world.

"Stop your bewitching words.”

"Let's get straight to the point."

" The Dragon God faction will provide you with the resources you need, " the Immortal Dragon Empress said. " Set up a spirit soul array and separate the true spirits of the Lord of Terror and the Nine-Faced Dragon God. Both of them will be resurrected in peace. We don't care if they are friends or foes. "”

Once the truesoul was separated, it could be quickly resurrected according to the faith accumulated by the Nine-faced Dragon God.