The Origin of the Legendary Dragon, the Miracle of the World

In the Hero Domain.

The Dragon Gods gathered at the level of the Dragon Court, and they were not projections of their incarnations. Their true bodies had arrived, and their auras fluctuated. Extraordinary Divine Power roiled in their bodies, and the divine light on their bodies flickered, revealing their excitement and restless hearts.

Many years had passed since the Battle of Dawn?

This time span was so long that even the Dragon Gods could not remember clearly.

To the Dragon Gods, the Nine-Faced Dragon God had fallen for far too long.

Before the Multiverse flourished and the flower of life bloomed over every inch of the plane world, the Nine-Faced Dragon God had passed away at the end of the Primordial Era. The Dragon God lineage, which lacked the protection of a Main God, had relied on its powerful strength to occupy a place in the endless planes, but it had also suffered many setbacks and dangers.