A Righteous Group Fight (2)

" This time around, the Aragami have returned. I will not repeat the same mistake. Once the original Aragami are eliminated, I will celebrate with everyone.”

Following that, under the Nine-Faced Dragon God's instructions, the gods began to discuss the Aragami.

As the gods had already realized that the Aragami had made a comeback and wanted to overthrow the rule of the gods, they felt a certain sense of crisis in their hearts. Therefore, they were very enthusiastic and actively put forward their opinions.

" The Demon Lord who currently resides in the Dark Shadow Sea of the Bottomless Abyss, the intelligent Deep Sea Ancient God Dagon, has been confirmed to be the leader behind the scenes who will lead the Aragami to revive.”

" Why don't we descend together and head to the Abyss? We'll kill the Deep Sea Ancient God first and make the Desolate Gods leaderless.”

One of the higher gods, the Orc Master God Gwush who advocated strength and violence, said.