The King of Dawn: I've Had a Mental Collapse. I'm Not Playing a Secondary account, I'm Changing to a Primary account!_3

"I've been waiting for you, Rosander.”

A calm and rational voice sounded in the King of Dawn's ears.

On the floating island, the god's true spirit, which had yet to completely dissipate, opened its eyes. A pair of perfectly symmetrical black pupils reflected the face of the King of Dawn.

"Oman, I want more power, power that can achieve my goals.”

The King of Dawn said slowly with a determined expression.

If some ancient gods heard Oman's name, they would be shocked.

Oman had many titles.

Golden Sun, Eternal Sun, Light of Contract and Order, Guardian of Time.............. In the distant past, this god held all authority related to the sun, and was the only one who held it. He was the true Sun God, and the light of billions of suns in the Multiverse was under his control.

The birth of life was often inseparable from the sun.

Almost all prime material worlds had suns, and in the primitive era, they were worshipped as gods.