New Authority (1)

Under the silver dragon, the various treasures stacked together moved.

Crash ..... A pair of dragon horns poked out first, followed by Yuna's small head, slender and beautiful neck, and dragon scales that shone like diamonds.............

"Garen, you've finally woken up from your slumber.”

"You slept for 300 years this time.”

Feeling Garen's ethereal and ethereal aura, Yuna said happily.

At the same time, Yuna wanted to pounce on the silver dragon, but she hesitated for a moment.

In Yuna's perception, although the silver dragon in her eyes was clearly visible, it was vague, as if it did not really exist in the real world. It had a feeling that it was detached from the real world and could disappear at any time.

Garen noticed the abnormality of his partner.

He knew that this was because his state was not stable enough, and the essential aura of a Time Concretization lifeform was leaking out.
