If I Had Knew, The Demon Prince Would Have Been ............._2

However, the Will of the Abyss did not respond for a long time. It watched coldly from the side and completely gave up on the suffering Prince of Demons.

After that, the King of Insects descended and defeated the Demon Lord in the territory of the Demon Lord, who had once been looked down upon by the Demon Lord, and now dared to treat the Demon Lord as a hunting target.

The prince's glory was gone.

Demogorgon fell from the clouds into the dust.

After running away in a panic, like the experience of his weakest days, Demogorgon, who had fallen to the bottom of the abyss, understood and recognized himself.

"It's not because my talent is extraordinary or because I'm irreplaceable that I'm favored by Mother's will............... It was because of Mother's will that I became irreplaceable and became the Prince of Demons.”

Demogorgon looked up at the night sky and thought lowly and desolately.

Phew ... Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.