The Gods ganged up to bully the little girl. Is this a distortion of morality or a loss of divinity?_1

Ever since God Garen became a powerful God, everything had been peaceful for a while.

When the Faceless King had been refined halfway, Garen temporarily stopped the refinement of the Faceless King and took a nap in the dragon's nest with his eyes closed to recover a part of his exhausted mind.

It wasn't long before the second meeting of the Pantheon Temple decided to settle the scores of the evil gods.

During the Council of Gods, it was already clear that they had to deal with the Queen of Darkness and the Earth Elemental Master first. These two gods were not in the Bottomless Abyss.

Of the two of them, strictly speaking, only the Queen of Void and Darkness was an evil god.

The Earth Elemental was actually a god of the neutral camp, and the other Elemental Lords were basically all of the neutral camp.

However, being neutral didn't mean that he wouldn't do evil.

Because the standard of evil was different.