A Trickery Alliance (3)

The silver dragon's gaze swept across the archdukes and said with a faint smile, ""You are all allies of my Dragon God lineage. It makes no difference to my Dragon God lineage who ascends to the throne in the end.”

It could be foreseen that these three would definitely have a battle in the end.

It would not be like the Olympian Multiverse, where Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades would draw lots. With their demonic nature, they would not take a step back before the throne.

Prince Beast raised his head, his horns glinting coldly. He puffed out his chest and said confidently, ""The throne of the Emperor will ultimately belong to me, Baphomet.”

Sovereign Wu An said in a distressed tone, ""The prince is indeed the strongest in the Regicide Alliance.”

When it spoke, it still had an elegant smile on its face, like a mask imprinted on its face.

Between the Prince of Wild Beasts and the Sovereign of Dark Gloom, the Mother of Demons 'white veil fluttered, but she did not respond.