A Tiger Against Two Sheep (1)

While Garen controlled the Space-Time Crystal Ring to deal with the Heart-Devouring War God, he turned his head to look at the Spider Queen Lorci.

"The two of you think that you'll be safe and sound by joining the Abyss. You're stupid.”

the silver dragon said calmly.

"Surrender? No, you misunderstood."

" I want to gradually gain the Tarantula's trust, and then use it as a bargaining chip, hoping to obtain the Pantheon Temple's forgiveness.”

The Spider Queen Lorci's compound eyes flickered as she spoke.

"Is that so?"

"The Pantheon doesn't need the Tarantula's trust.”

" As for forgiveness, give up resisting first and let me seal you. Then, you will accept the judgment of the Pantheon Temple. At that time, you will naturally understand whether you can be forgiven.”