The Sea God: Although I Have No Intent to Fight, I Know the Suffering of the Common People

Early in the morning, the sun had just risen from the horizon in the distance, revealing a hint of white. The pale golden sunlight scattered down, silently illuminating everything.

Under such beautiful weather, there were nobles dressed in luxurious clothes sitting at the edge of their fish ponds early in the morning and leisurely fishing. Suddenly, as if they had seen something, the nobles 'pupils trembled.

The calm surface of the fish pond moved without any wind, forming waves of spreading radiation, forming a strange scene that was being shown. The sound of the water flowing also formed sound.

"The drawing of lots back then wasn't fair. Grandmother Gaia admired me more, so she secretly helped me, allowing me to become a Godking without any accidents.”

In the image, in a majestic golden palace, a majestic and valiant Heavenly God spoke. Opposite him stood another Heavenly God who looked similar to him.

"What is this scene?"

" The one in the picture is ... "