Fourth Generation Godly King (4)

If nothing unexpected happened, he would be able to win soon if this continued.

Between the sky and the earth, the two Heavenly Deities used their weapons to attack and defend each other. Their other arm, which was unarmed, was also attacking each other continuously.

Zeus attacked head-on again and again, forcing the Sea God to exchange blows with him.

Bang bang bang!

Time and time again, the cracks on the Seagod's arm were terrifying. It was like glass that was about to shatter, and its strength was getting weaker and weaker.

In Olympus, the gods who had been observing the situation sighed.

Very clearly, the Seagod was going to lose.

Only the Sun God was indifferent, and there was still a faint mocking smile on his lips.

"Poseidon, the last strike."

Zeus laughed loudly, and his supernatural power burst forth without holding back. Billions of thunderbolts descended from the sky and gathered on his left arm.