God King Poseidon's Tyranny (3)

The Tarantula seemed to have fallen into a trap.


A thunderous roar resounded through the world, causing many demons to cover their ears in pain.


Two arms covered in armor and with terrifying sharp claws at the tip grew out from under the ribs of the Tarantula Mystra.

The two arms grabbed the giant axe of the Beast Prince.

The abundant power wanted to take away the weapon of the Beast Prince, causing his face to change color.

At the same time, two wolf heads grew out of the Tarantula's shoulders, their scarlet eyes ready to devour.


A wolf head spat out raging flames.

A wolf head spat out ice crystals that filled the sky.

The storm of blades that originated from the King of Insects was either frozen into ice or burned into ashes.


The two wolf heads of the half-spider and half-human head let out a heaven-shaking roar at the same time.