
2313H November 8 23XX

Orbit of mars

As all the crew on the starships were shook from what just happened the Admiral shouted to the crew and captains of the fleet

"Silent all of YOU!" said Admiral Sabio in a loud voice as if a lion roared

"We need to assist the situation and get to the colony as soon as possible all ships full speed and the MOS (Multipurpose Orbital Spacecraft) orbit mars about twenty-five thousand feet above the surface of the planet and assists if any more treats if needed, activate protocol C2-4(which to activate a large barrier that can in golf the entire colony but to the expenses, it's too expensive to use because it's a one time use only and those only use in time of emergency.

As the starships started to decent on the red Martian soil the rescue crew felt uneasy about what they would witness as the beam of light from the unknown object hit the colony, they just prayed that even a small portion of survivors might be rescued.

When they landed an eery(unsettling feeling) feeling was felt by the crew.

After traveling a few kilometers from the landing zone to the habitat of the colony the crew's detains grew bigger as when they entered one of the buildings it was empty not even a single person in sight this alarmed the search captain and ordered every crew to split into three people and search the whole colony. Four hours later all crew gets to the rendezvous point and to by surprise there is really not a single soul so the captain thinks again as to what happened they all contacted every colony of the different country if the crew take shelter in one of their underground colonies but every colony answered no to there question the crew then returned to there starships and relay the findings to the admiral.

In orbit of mars

The admiral receives the message and in shook of what it contains not a single person was found. Every crew on MOS was shaken by the said happening and re-laid the message to PASE base on earth.

A few hours and all the starships of the second fleet started to descend and get the orbit near the MOS.

After an hour they all met with the MOS and started to go back home but when they are about to leave the said gravitational force of mars a golden light hit the fleet out of nowhere as this is happening the fleet and the MOS before disappearing shot an SOS message to planet earth and then vanish.

On Earth space control of PASE

Director just received the message and in a rage of what Admiral Sabio re-laid on the message

"What do they mean no one was there and also none of the other colonies of the different country said not even a single one was taking shelter on their colony!". Then a few minutes they receive an SOS signal from the fleet for a couple of seconds and then stop.

The admiral asks what was that.

One of the workers said "It was an SOS message admiral from the second fleet"

The admiral was in shock and said "so what seems to be the problem with the second fleet?"

The worker replied "We don't know Director because it's just a second before the signal disappears"

The Director then shouted, "What do you mean disappear!"

The worker replied "That we still don't know Director"

Upon the conversion of the two one of the workers in the room shouted

"Director! Director!"


"Director one of our satellites orbiting mars has footage of what might happen on the colony and the fleet," said the worker

"Ok put it on the screen," said the Director.

As all the workers in the control room saw what happened all of them started to have cold sweat as to what hit the colony and the fleet. Then the director ordered one of his men to contact the Malacañang palace.

Malacañang palace

President's Office

The secretary of the president enters the room.

"Mr. President we got a message from PASE this concern the rescue of our countrymen on the red planet"

"Ok give it to me" upon reading the report the president was in disbelief of what it contained.

"Secretary contact PASE Director," said the president

"Ok, Mr. President"

Then a video call between the president and the director.

"Director what is the meaning of this report?!" said the president in an angry manner.

The director then shows the president the video footage captured by one of the orbital satellites on mars.

In disbelief, the president went in silent as to what he saw was mortifying.

The director then said "Mr. President we need to tell the nation of what just happened"

The president replied, "NO! are you crazy the people will panic and chaos will ensue in our land!"

"But Mr. President! If we don't tell the people now, they will just find out because we are not the only nation with an orbital satellite on mars"

0800H November 9 café in Makati

As people having their breakfast.

"We Interop the morning program as the President will address the nation"

"Hello the people of my country"

The people in the café were confused as to why the president did not say good morning and have a bad feeling about what the President is going to say.

"As of November 8 yesterday, the rescue team and our colony on the red planet went missing as to the reason why here's what happened" The video was played as to what happened to the colony and the rescue fleet.

The people in the café and everywhere in the country went silent as to what was shown to them.

As all this happened all the oligarch's family who has a family member on mars contacted the Malacañang and was ignored to ensure safety and riots won't ensue the public after the announcement there was a second announcement "As to ensure the safety of the public I declare Martial law to stop any anarchist from starting to ensue trouble" as said in the final message of the president.

Next chapter THE CHAOS.