
0300H May 3 ʘʡʓʐ▬▬▬▬▬▭▬

Malacañang palace; World location: Unknown . . .

Presidential bunker under the malacañang palace.

The President was hugging his family his only son Alber and his wife Pamela Cruz it seems that they are all blinded by a golden light that even penetrated the banker 5 kilometers underground and so everywhere people seem to confuse about what happened and why they got blinded after witnessing the unknown object attack to earth with its seem to be a photon beam (laser beam but let's make it a bit fancier XD).

amends the confusion all the people recover from the sudden blinding light and snap out of their confusion then see the surroundings if their family members are alright and assess what situation they are in then people begin to go outside their homes and seemingly confuse why the moon is emitting a purplish light and what seems there is a mix of orange in it and when they all look at the sky their eyes became wide open at what they saw that they can't utter a single word out of there mouth's and what are they seeing are two moons the one that is closer seems to be a purplish color and the one behind it that looks small is a bright orange one and people began taking pictures because they can't believe what they are seeing at the moment.

A few hours after the incident*

After the incident, the internet was not working all phones seemed like they are not receiving service signals and the electricity was out and the entire nation are in black out the people began to stay inside and the military began its patrol again as the division commanders are having the same thought to protect and assist the current situation.

Artificial Island near Cebu city

A secret compound of the Philippine Institue of Science and Development

Energy Division.

0542H May 3 ▬▬▬▬▬▭▬

12 kilometers underground the artificial island Director Amely Sandreno was running around getting all the researchers and specialists (engineers) on energy to fix and reconnect all 32 Fusion reactors to the electricity grid per code of and event of war or national emergency activation energy reserves as the nation needs the power to assist the situation. hours passed its 6 am and all fusion reactors are back online powered all up to provide power to every island in the nation.

Back at the Malacañang Palace Bunker underground.

One operator in the bunker got messages all around the bases of the nation and sent them a confirmation if the president is ok [as the president is the commander in chief of the military meaning that he has the power to move and command the army by his will.]

"Mr. President *bzzzt* *bzzzzt* can you hear me, your excellency"

[on the communicator was Admiral General Abgenale Sumalde the bearer of the highest rank in the PhNavy.]

The comms operator gets the signal and stands up and runs away from his seat to get to the office of the president in the bunker.

"Mr. President! I'm first lieutenant, Marilo Sanchez of the communication department * while saluting*"

"Yes lieutenant what is it?" asked the president

"We got a message from Admiral Sumalde you Excellency"

"Ok bring it to me" then Sanchez hands over a small communicator connected to the main one.

"Hello, Admiral... Admiral can you hear me"

"Yes, your Excellency I have a report to give you on the Babuyan group of island about 161 kilometers where an island should be { i don't want the real political thing in here so let's call it that ok sorry} looks like a continent or a larger island it seems and to inspect further we send Stealth droid Drones to survey if our equipment is malfunctioning and we are seeing deferent land mass on our scanners"

"Alright Admiral please do so we need every bit of information we need and by the looks of it we can't even contact a single doomsday bunker from other national leader and a report of a two-moon was sent an hour after the incident so becareful out there"

"Understood Mr. President," said admiral Sumalde.

0721H May 3 ▬▬▬▬▬▭▬

PASE base in the Philippine sea

Director Oliquino keep asking what happened after the unknown object hit us with its photon beam and got blinded for a few minutes and why there is two moons early morning in the sky visible to the naked eye.

One scientist Gerome Picondia steps in.

[Gerom Picondia is the head researcher/scientist in astronomy with a master's degree in every aspect one of the smartest and granted Nobel prize 20 times on earth giving him the title truly genius] why do you ask such a man isn't the director that's because Leonardo Oliquino(PASE Director) is also one of the gifted minds the Philippines have mastered in degrees such as quantum physics and have a doctorate in every mathematically based profession and the mentor of Gerome Picondia both work with other renowned people around the world and discover and have breakthroughs in fusion space travels and quantum space.]

"Minto-... ahem I mean Director it looks like the Unknown Object warps us in a different location or different dimensions so it seems that is the only explanation we have at the moment as the air outside is breathable we can assume that this world has sufficient oxygen to sustain life and possibly harbor sentient beings such as what we call in term aliens"

The director glared at Gerome; Gerome then gets goosebumps at what the director is doing then suddenly the director opened his mouth and utters the words "well duh no sh*t Gerome I know what is the theory I'm asking how it happened Gerome how it happened"

"That I don't know director," said Gerome then suddenly the director started to talk.

"you know Gerome if we can find out the reason and how it happened maybe my daughter and the fleet are still alive because the same hue color of the beam that hit the colony and the fleet is the same color except for the color it used to hit the warhead its read while the three are golden hue so I'm thinking if this is really warp my daughter is still alive" then a tear falls down on the directors eye muttering"my daughter is still alive"

Gerome then get sit beside the Director and started to pat his back and said "we might find her here" while smiling. the director began to cry loudly as loud as he can then Gerome began to panic and handed him a box of tissue.

"Ar-are you good now director?" asked Gerome

the director then nodded.

"alright cheer up director we are sure to detect your daughter and bring her home" the two kept talking to each other when one of the workers detected a signal from out of nowhere. then rush to the director's office panting.

"Di huff huuuf Director we -we got a signal and it seems to be in orbit"

The director suddenly stands up and rushes to the person holding a tablet and sees if it was true once he confirms it he then commanded the men to contact this signal in the said orbit.

"BZZt BZZZZt He-Hello is anyone there bzzzt"

the Director was surprised by the voice because it sounded like the 2nd fleet admiral of the Space force Admiral Sabio.

"Hello hello can you hear me," said the admiral

"Yes I can hear you who is this?" asked admiral sabio

"This is Director of PASE Admiral Sabio"

on the ship, admiral sabio was shocked at what he heard and began jumping.

"Holy shit Leonardo is that you ho -how?!"

"it seems we all been warped to the same system admiral"

"Is it that so we have been circling this planet for about 4 hours"

the Director was shocked at what the admiral said and then replied

"you are missing for over months now admiral before we got warped to"

"what do you mean director that we have been missing for months ET time?!"

"yes, admiral you have been missing for months" when the two were having a chat one on board a starship reported something to the admiral.

"Admiral we found a distress signal on one of the islands and wait a minute is that our country that our country!"

the admiral then rush to the monitor and was shocked at what he saw as the complete island nation of the Philippines below what seemed to be a desert and where the distress signal came from. after snapping out of it the admiral then get the communicator.

"*Bzzzt* bzzzt* hello anyone there? hello " then a reply was heard

"yes he--bzzt hello bzzt-"

"who am I speaking to?"

"This is The Head researcher in Geothermal and subterranean of The Philippine Institute of Science and Development Tera Division Ana Bell Oliquino who am I speaking to?"

The admiral was surprised that the daughter of his friend was also warped to the same system and can't utter a single word in his mouth when he heard another" who am I speaking to?"

"A-a A yes I'm Admiral Joseph Sabio of the second fleet of Space force of the Philippine Republic we are given the mission to rescue you from mars but it was too late and by the looks of it was also warp to here"

"WHAT DO you mean?!" said ana

" you see when we detected the Unknown spacecraft near Saturn the president and your father Leonardo Oliquino gave us a task to rescue you but we are too late and all of you can't be seen on the mars colony"

ana was baffled at what the admiral said but they are still inside the base on mars -but that's what's ana thought but they are in the deadlands- in the new world.

"what do you mean admiral we are still in mar-" when she was about to finish her sentence one of the crew rushes to her and gave a report and it seems they warped out of mars and to unknown lands.

"admiral it seems we are in an unknown land can you pinpoint our signal and send us an image of where we are"

"Yes absolutely wait for a second"

*image of the pinpointed signal and a land mass that looks like the Philippines*

She was surprised at what she saw and said to the admiral

"admiral is what I'm seeing true"

"yes and before we receive your distress signal i was talking to your father and he has a high hope of finding you after the incident"

"what do you mean incident admiral?"

" you see it seems we have been missing for months on our system"

ana was shocked at what the admiral said and began to question her but the admiral then said

"you better contact your father so he can help you get home because we are also landing in about 30 minutes"

Ana then contacted her father then when the two talked Leonardo Cried as much as he could and pinpointed the signal and send a rescue team to them and pick them up when she was home she was welcomed by her father's tight hug and she also cried at what her father was gone thru and held his father's wrinkled face with one hand and then said: "PA I'm Home".

authors note:

Thanks for reading and following this series I tried my very best so that I can give a much clear experience so here we go the next chapter is going to be lit NEXT chapter Findings a also about the new world map Ill put it in the next chapter so don't worry if you can't still invision the deadlands location ill be clearer in the next chapter.