MY WORLD - The end of the world

White, rectangular and spotless, the table creaked worryingly when Eden’s neighbour leaned in on it with her elbows. With his lowered gaze, he could see that she put her hands in a new clasp, switching the lower hand with the upper. The abnormality on this one began from her fingertips, where it was the weakest. The skin was slightly purplish, like that of decaying meat, growing starker and more tentacle-like in texture the further up her arms where the purple disappears under the sleeves of her button-down shirt. The hands of this woman were, in short, the only relatively normal aspect of her. Eden’s eyes determinedly remain lowered.

“I’m sure you’re confused” A gurgly voice oozes over the white table. He could just barely make out what it was saying. It had a different sound than that of wire mother’s. “I’m confused too, so maybe we could help each other out?” The words slither in and out his ears. Eden suppresses a shiver now.