The Day Of The Zombie Apocalypse


The catchy sound of the news intro interrupted the everyday afternoon movie.

"We have breaking news everyone..."

The blond newswoman said in a hurried tone.

"An outbreak of a new deadly pandemic has been reported worldwide. It still not where it started but it is fastly spreading. Cases have already been confirmed in multiple continent."

She said while tweets and news reports in different languages were shown on the screen. All describing the situation in their countries.

"The signs of infection are first abnormally high body temperatures for around a half an hour. In the second phase the body temperatures drops and the infected becomes unresponsive. And in the third phrase, the behavior of the infected becomes overly aggressive!"

The texts got replaced by pictures and videos showing the different phases of the infection.

"Hospitals are overwhelmed by patients. And in some places, police intervention is required. Our report is reporting from the Brespy hospital in New York, live right now!"

The scene changed from the studio to an older reporter with a microphone in hand. Who was currently sitting in a helicopter.

"...Thank you Gabriel. Just as my colleague said, the situation is becoming more and more alarming here."

The scene again changed and the image of the reporter got replaced by the bird view of a big hospital. And the camera started to zoom in to the main entrance of the hospital, where total chaos reigned.

Police in riot control gear tried to stop the crowd flooding out. But they had no chance, the crowd didn't stop. The smoke bombs, pepper sprays, bb guns were in vain, like the wave of maddened hord of people didn't feel pain.

"The images are disturbing, but as you can see the police is in currently in stand of against the horde of suspected infected! We don't yet have an estimate of the death rate but..."

The reporter suddenly stopped and reached to his wireless earpiece. And the expression on his face started to visible change from worry to anxiousness.

"Quick, turn of the camera!"

He shouted to the cameraman. Who, at first was confused but after a few moments he came back to his senses and cut the broadcast.

But the few moments of hesitation were enough.

A dozen military vehicles arrived at the scene and soldiers armed to teeth started get out of them. They didn't hesitate and aimed their weapons at the horde. And all hell broke lose.


The explosion of the rpgs shredded the infected.


The fully automatic rifles punched holes into anything that moved. Killing more and more people in the crowd.


Before the situation could escalate more the broadcast ended and the scene changed backed to the studio again.

"Ugh... Wilkerson thank you for the report..."

The newswoman was visibly shaken and disturbed. But she quickly composed herself and continued.

"The government declared martial law and suggests everyone to stay home or go to the nearest military camps!"

Map was shown, which had all the Locations of military bases and camps, which receives civilians, marked.

"And they warn everyone that the people who got infected can't be cured for now! However the UN is working on the cure with maximum care!"

She looked down and hastily arranged the papers on the table. After finishing she looked into the camera again.

"Khm, excuse me..."


Before she could finish, she was interrupted by the studio's door sudden opening.

"They are here!"


Outside of the field of view of the camera, a man run in trough the door shouting.

"What... who is here?!"

The newswoman asked startled by the sudden intrusion.

"The deads are are here!"

The answer of the intruder just confused the her more.

"What are you talking Clark... and we are on a live tv?"

The woman went outside of the field of view of the camera. And walked towards the intruder like they knew each other.

"Ugh I can't hold it anymore!"

An exhausted and scared male voice heard again.


And door opening could be heard again but this time was more forceful and instead of one, a few dozens of steps could be heard.


The momentary silence was broken by deep, growls. Which made everyone's skin crawl when hearing it.

"No, get away from me!"

The woman shouted in a high-pitched voice obviously afraid of the thing which came in trough the door.

"Ahhhh! Get this thing of me!"

After another scream and runing could be heard. Then sound of scuffle mixed with shouts, growls and blood sickening munch were filled the studio.



"Ahhhh, help me!"










After five minutes, the only sound left was the constant munching sound. Like somebody eating raw meat. But after a few minutes the sound of eating stopped as well. The studio felt silent again, not even the buzzing of a fly could be heard.




So the increasingly loud steps were clearly descendible. At first it wasn't sure, but later when it got closer to the microphone, it became clear that whoever the steps are, is not a human anymore.


With a last step the creature stepped, no a better word is trudged in the view of the camera.

But against all expectations, the thing that walked in front of the camer was the newswoman. Her hair and clothes were messy and bloodied, she was walking and behaving strangely. But she was still recognizeble.


She... no, it looked into the camera and growled in the same deep and chilling voice.


It started to walk towards the camera. So its features became more and more distinctive.

Her face missed chunks of flesh and there were bloody bite marks on her body.

It slowly trudged in front of the camer and stoped. It looked into the camera with its cold, unfocused, deathly gray eyes.


It opened its mouth and growled loudly. Shaking the souls of anyone who is still watching the news broadcast.


[No signal!]



In an apartment's living room, on the couch in front of the tv which only showed the ominous colorful no signal image, sat a man in his late twenties. He had a short messy light brown hair combed backwards, showing his forehead wrinkled in worry. His eyes were brown as well and even though he wore a lose white T-shirt, his muscles still bulged out. All in all, he was an exceptionally handsome and fit man.

"Pick up the damn phone!"

He was fiddling with his phone anxiously. It rang out when he was trying to call someone, no matter what he did.

[The number you called is currently not available or...]

"Ahhh..... This piece of crap!"

He really wanted to throw the phone away but he knew he would just regret it later.


His fuming was interrupted by the creak of the door, which opened a little.

And through the opening of the door a three years old girl peeked in. She resembled the man sitting on the couch a lot. She was super cute and had a brown hair as well. However her eyes were light blue instead of brown.


The man turned towards her hearing the sweet voice. And after seeing the little girl his anxiousness calmed down a little.

"What is it my little bunny?"

The little girl sleepily rubbed her eyes with one hand while holding her favorite teddy bear in the other.

"Yawn, ...where is mommy? I can't sleep without her."


Thank you for reading! If you liked it please give a few power stones because I am writing this novel for the wpc302!