The disease in the body

After the lightning strikes, the static electricity in the air makes my skin itch, there is a crackling noise in front of me, and then there is a dull thunder overhead...

I couldn't believe my eyes and froze for a moment - my grandmother could summon thunder and lightning! ?

Seeing grandma running to the place where the sick ghost had fled, I hurried to follow her.

The lightning had struck, and the grass ten paces from the shore seemed to explode, creating a pit full of ink-black smoke, and the grass around it was on fire and spattered with sparks and crackled.

Grandma casually said a few words of incantation, a wave of the sword, a gust of wind, will burn weeds all put out.

Then she took out the spell she had drawn and buried it around the pit. The black smoke gradually gathered and recovered into a huge, shifting mass, which wriggled furiously and could be seen to be trying to escape.

Grandma casually said a few words of incantation, a wave of the sword, a gust of wind, will burn weeds all put out.

Then she took out the spell she had drawn and buried it around the pit. The black smoke gradually gathered and recovered into a huge, shifting mass, which wriggled furiously and could be seen to be trying to escape.

But it seemed to be blocked by an incantatory wall around the pit!

This series of scenes made me dumbfounded, and my brain seemed to be short circuited. The process of grandma defeating the sick ghost was much more exciting than those fairy fights on TV.

For a long time, I calmed down and asked in a low voice, "grandma, why don't you say a powerful spell and break up all this stuff?"

Grandma said lightly: "they can not be completely eliminated, as long as there is shade air between heaven and earth, they can take advantage of rebirth, so the best way or seal."

I ask again: "that have method, eliminate shade air completely?"

Grandma smiled. For the first time all day, her mood was relaxed, probably because she was relieved to get rid of the ghost.

She patted me and said, "Silly boy, the sun and the moon, Shadow and sunlight, life and death are constant laws of all things. They are interdependent. No one can completely destroy the other."

After burying the spell, grandma inserted her sword into the edge of the pit, and then swept the surrounding soil with a crutch, burying the creeping black monsters in the pit. No matter how hard it struggled, it could not escape the sealed fate.

Unable to help, I held the heavy statue in my arms and, for a moment, turned my head and looked casually into the water.

Suddenly, I heard grandma's voice sounded behind: "How so ignorant, put down the sculpture to help grandma!"

"Ah, good."

I put the sculpture on the ground without thinking. As soon as the sculpture left my hand, the black air in the pit suddenly turned into an arrow to shoot at me!

My mind went blank and I fell to the ground, but the black air was blocked by an invisible wall just before it touched me.

"Watch out miao Miao!" Grandma on the other side noticed and shouted at me anxiously.

Suddenly, a pair of cold hands wrapped around me from behind. I looked around and saw a boy holding me from behind with an evil smile.

His skin split open inch by inch, and wisps of black air streamed from it.

The face was so familiar that it took me a second to realize it was me! ?

"Ha ha, unexpectedly, we are two!" "Shrieked the monster who had become me, just like the one who had pretended to be my mother before.

"Karmic handicap!"

Grandma rushed over, angry and anxious, but immediately the spirit turned into a jet of black air that penetrated my nose and mouth and burst into my stomach.

I instantly felt as if my lungs and stomach were frozen into ice, and I could not breathe, as if my body had become solid. I desperately opened my mouth and nose, and pinched my throat painfully.

"Miao miao! Miao miao!"

I heard grandma calling me, and then I lost consciousness and fell into a deep coma.

I do not know how long later, WHEN I woke up, I found myself lying in my own bed, with my relatives still dressed in mourning, their faces sad.

My mother was the first to notice that I woke up and immediately hugged me tightly crying, "Miao Miao, you have nothing good, worried about me!"

My uncle was also relieved and said, "It's just right. The medicine is ready. Let's feed him!"

My uncle carefully brought a bowl of medicine soup to me. At this moment, my father came over with a sullen face, grabbed the bowl and threw the medicine soup on the ground.

The soup was so hot that he could not bear it himself. He threw the bowl heavily on the table and blew his thumb.

"Brother, what are you doing? ?" 'asked the uncle crossly.

My father should be angry, angrily complained: "what's the use of drinking this stupid medicine, our father has been drinking for months! Don't drink! Tomorrow I will take Miaomiao to the city and go to a big hospital. CT, X-ray and B ultrasound will be used for a thorough physical examination."

My sister-in-law said, "Why are you angry again? Don't you believe our mother?"

As soon as I heard grandma, my dad was even more angry and jumped on his feet. "I just don't believe it! What nonsense of sickness and misery, pure nonsense! She just didn't treat our father well. She made up lies to bluff us for her face, and now she wants to harm my son. No way!"

"Nonsense, our mom ache miao Miao cure too much, which can harm him?" The elder sister-in-law did not like it and raised her voice.

I also think my father is very extreme, of course, relatives are there, most of them trust grandma, so they quarrel.

"Dong dong dong! "

There was a sound of crutches hitting the ground, and everyone fell silent. Grandma came slowly into the house, looking grave -- she had changed back into her usual clothes.

She looked sternly at the spilled soup and glared at my father. Then went to the bedside, touched my head, and gave me the feel of the next pulse, gently asked: "Miao Miao where uncomfortable?"

I didn't feel sick either, only my stomach rumbled, and I said weakly, "HUNGRY..."

"Why, this boy..." The elder sister-in-law laughed, "Mom, it seems miao Miao is ok."

"No!The god of plague is watching our house. You all have to be careful. I'll write a few symbols for you to defend yourself. "

My father didn't believe evil and answered back: "Mom, you began to pull again, which have what plague god? If you kill misery, then there will be no sickness in the whole world."

Elder sister-in-law white he one eye: "brother you shut up, don't understand don't blind BB!"

"I don't understand?" My father became excited, "after selling Chinese herbal medicines for 20 years, I'm almost half a traditional Chinese medicine. Let me tell you this, traditional Chinese medicine is basically deceptive, completely unreliable, feudal dross!"

Grandma suddenly raised her voice and said to my father, "you're right. If the God of plague is dead, no one will get infectious diseases! Twenty years ago, I killed the God of plague myself!"

There was a great deal of horror and a great deal of whispering.

My sister-in-law paused for a moment, then suddenly remembered something and said in surprise: "Mom, twenty years ago there was a serious infectious disease in northeast China. It suddenly disappeared in March.

"Yes, there was a plague in the village, and the situation was very dangerous. Your father and I, still in good health, went to Guduo Mountain, found the plague god, and... Killed!"

"Well, why not? Don't bluff us!" My dad said impatiently.

Grandma looked at my father, and her withered cheeks twitched slightly, Then she said: "As long as you find the God of plague and give you a knife that has been opened, you can still kill it! But the problem is that after being killed, the infectious disease did disappear at that time, but the God of plague is not a human being and will not really die. I know it will come back to life sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to come back so soon, and take revenge on me! I warn you, especially the third son, don't make a fool of yourself! From today on, you should be extra careful, or if you are a little careless, one of you Individuals may become the source of the next major infectious disease. "

My mother sobbed and asked, "Mom, is that Miaomiao infected?"

Grandma lowered her frosty eyebrows and sighed, "It must be something wrong, but it hasn't broken out yet."