The beginning of learning skills

After the dark clouds dissipated, my family came to pick me up.

Grandma put medicine on my charred back, and I wasn't hit directly, but I got an electric shock. My body was weak and weak, her skin was pale, and the veins in her arms and legs, like veins in leaves, were blue on the surface of my skin, winding like a million earthworms, and it was frightening to see.

Grandma asked her sister-in-law to dig some burnt wood from the locust tree that had been struck by lightning.

It was only then that I learned that my grandmother had taken a hair of mine and tied it with straw and paper to make a double hanging under the kitchen beam. The first bolt of lightning struck directly there, and the whole kitchen basically exploded. Because of the warning, Grandma knew that the lightning was aimed at me, and she took emergency measures to help me escape, which, in retrospect, was a very close call.

My father shook his head and said "impossible" for three times. "What kind of disease can be struck by lightning?"

My second uncle ran long distances all year round and was well-informed. He said, "I heard that there was a man abroad who was struck by thunder six times in his life. After he died, it happened that the grave was split by thunder again. It seems that there is such a strange constitution in the next world. I guess that Miao Miao is ill and his body has changed."

My father rubbed his thin hair in frustration, "we all know that this is an illness, but outsiders don't know. We thought we Lin family did something wrong! On the way I came, I heard some idle people chewing their tongues."

Grandma looked at my father with some disdain: "third, don't worry about others, just let them say! Also, being struck by thunder is not necessarily a symptom, it is likely that this plague hidden in Miaomiao will harm the world once it breaks out, so it will attract thunder punishment, Miaomiao is just involved."

Everyone was surprised. My mother hugged me painfully and cried, "our Miaomiao is innocent! Mom, can't you think of a way to drive this sick ghost away?"

Grandma shook her head in vain, "the magic used by the sick ghost is very vicious, there is nothing to do, and there are only two ways to drive it away: cure or death. However, the argument of thunder punishment is also my speculation, and there is no evidence. In any case, the urgent task is to cure Miaomiao, not to let the disease spread or transfer..."

My father said, "can't Miaomiao take a lightning rod with him in the future?"

My second uncle said, "pull it down, third, you really don't know anything except making money. The lightning rod is lightning."

My father was unhappy. "Second brother, you know everything. It's an idea to stand and talk without backache. This didn't happen to Huihui in your family. Of course, you don't worry."

"Shut up, everybody! How big you are, you know the noise..." Grandma hit the ground hard with her new walking stick. "Miao Miao cannot leave my side until he is cured. I will try my best to save him."

"What?" My father hesitated and said, "Mom, but Miao Miao will go to middle school soon, and he can't stay in our village all the time..."

My mother is not happy: "reading which has the child's life is important! He goes to county school, ten thousand go up again by thunder split how can do, only our mother can protect Miao Miao."

"Then neglect your studies like this?" My father sighed in frustration, thought for a moment and said, "How about we all move to the county town?"

The aunt who listened to them nearby sank her face and said: "Old three, what do you mean, you mean that our mother is so old, went to the county who also don't know, legs and feet are not agility, but also have to follow grandson to accompany reading? You are such a filial son!"

My father choked his neck and said, "Don't adults suffer for their children? Miao Miao's studies should not be abandoned!"

All of a sudden, a violent cough interrupted the quarrel of the adults, dazed I also woke up, I saw my mother holding grandma, grandma clutched a handkerchief in her hand, handkerchief red, as if there is blood annihilation.

This dad they are not noisy, scared pale, busy asked grandma what happened.

Grandma waved her hand and said weakly, "Well, my health is not good either. Before I go to see your Grandfather, I must cure Miaomiao's disease.

On September 1, all the other children in the village went to school, and I stayed in my grandmother's clinic. Occasionally, patients came to visit, or my parents came to deliver food. Otherwise, it was very quiet.

While breathing in the yard and looking at the blue sky, I sometimes take a chance on the fact that the last time I was struck by lightning was just a fluke. When I tried to get out of the clinic to go for a walk, the sky would suddenly appear a large swirling cloud, very scary. I ducked back into my room -- My grandmother had set up a shield in the clinic to protect me.

My back was recovering very slowly. Every day, I had to apply thick ointment, drink thunder wood medicine soup, and sleep on my stomach. My wounds were itchy and painful, and I couldn't leave the clinic.

Grandma can see my inner unease, sometimes comfort me: "Miao Miao, you are still small, if sad can cry out, it's ok."

I bit my lips and shook my head stubbornly. "Grandma, I'm just angry. Why should there be such a bad thing as plague in the world, which causes people to get sick? If only it could be destroyed forever."

Grandma lovingly touched my head: "Miao Miao, life and death, disease, natural disaster, is the balance of nature, otherwise human will endless reproduction, finally we can not live. Misery is a part of the tao, so don't complain too much about it."

I thought about it and said, "We are human beings and it is natural to hate it. Why should we understand this bad thing? I'll kill it again some day if I can!"

Grandma heard this and said, "No, remember, you can only seal it! You must not repeat grandma's mistake. You cannot kill something that lives with heaven and earth, only seal it!"

I nodded and made up my mind to say, "Grandma, I want to learn from you!"

Grandma surprised, smiled and said: "witch doctor this skill, sorcery and medicine are complementary, if you want to learn, you have to start from scratch, step by step."

I nodded again. "I'd love to learn, anyway... I can't go to school now..."

In fact, grandma also had the idea to teach me, since grandpa lost, she coughed more and more times.

My grandmother told me very seriously that she had only a few years left and could not live with my illness. The best way was to teach me how to treatment. In the future, I would identify the symptoms and find a solution.

In addition, with the tradition of witch doctor for thousands of years, grandma naturally did not want to break it in her hands. After teaching me for a while, grandma thinks I have talent very much, and have a kind heart, this is very important, the traditional medicine skill only kind heart can practice kind skill, have no kind heart eventually all become quack, cheater.

So, grandma asked me to read the medical book, from the "Yellow Emperor Inner Canon" began to see, do not understand the ask her, the medical book is very difficult to understand, fortunately, grandma's explanation from shallow to deep, very good digestion.

With things to do and my recovery, my depression about not being able to go out gradually recovered, but I was left with a large lightning scar on my back forever, which was so ugly that it was breath-taking.

But grandma said to me, this belongs to a blessing in disguise, because the sky thunder imprint is the most pure and strong shine air branding mark between heaven and earth, the person who takes this is a malicious Angle, evil and evil will go around me in the future.

Under grandma's careful explanation, I spent five months to learn the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon", to the body of shade and shine five elements, pulse meridian has a basic understanding, but also just touch the threshold of traditional medicine.

Whenever I heard grandma cough at night, I was very sad, anxious to ask her to boil some medicine to eat.

Grandma was very indifferent, she smiled and said: "Miao Miao, I don't have any serious illness, just old. A man's length of life is determined by heaven, and no one can keep it when the time comes."

I looked at grandma's sparse silver hair and aging face, reluctantly said: "Grandma, when I have learned, I will find the elixir for you to eat!"

Grandma convergence smile, solemnly warned me: "silly children, people can not rebel against heaven! I have rebelled against heaven twice in my life. If you rebelled again, I'm afraid there will be great disaster for the Lin family! Remember that everything must be done according to god!"

Autumn to winter, I read medical books while taking care of the herb garden for grandma in the backyard, this quiet and calm life I have adapted very much.

Grandma often took me to worship the gods together. She said that Zongbu God was in charge of all ghosts in heaven and earth, and it was necessary for witch doctors to worship - Zongbu God was named "Yi" before he became a God, which was the hero who shot the sun.

There is also a small sculpture beside Zongbu God, which is a kind-hearted and beautiful sister. Her name is Lin Mo, the largest witch in ancient and modern times, and also the ancestor of the Lin family. Her other name may be more familiar to the world, called "Mazu".

The last one to block the lightning for me is Lin's "dance Nuo Avatar".

The Lin family witch doctor is from a different source from the shaman in the northeast. We come from the Lizhong witch in the south, so we worship the Zongbu God rather than the natural gods.

After worshipping the idol once, I whispered to my grandma, "grandma, can I learn those powerful spells now?"

Grandma looked at me. "Bear boy, you want to run away without learning to walk? Witch doctors are first doctors, and first learn medicine!"