I don't want treatment.

Li Youtian struggled too violently and splashed water all over the place. Zhang geqi and I subconsciously stood back.

I advised, "Youtian, you think the medicine is particularly hard to drink, which means that the evil Qi in your body is resisting it, which proves that the medicine is effective. Many adults bite their teeth and swallow it."

Li Youtian, who showed his head from the water tank, frowned and made up his mind to finish the medicine soup in one bite. Because it was too hard to drink, his face was wrinkled like a walnut, and he quickly sank into the water tank and gulped cold water.

Uncle Li looked at me in embarrassment and said, "will drinking raw water affect..."

I relieved him: "uncle Li, don't worry, as long as seven stone powder drink down to have the effect, and so on the next bowl boil out to continue to feed him! Youtian, you must have the confidence to adhere to the treatment, never give up, your parents are looking forward to your recovery, you know?"

Li Youtian surfaced again, nodded at me in frustration, and complained bitterly, "I really shouldn't listen to Zhang Xiaofa's advice, alas..."

I smiled and said goodbye.

Uncle Li followed out and was ready to pay for the medicine.

I said, "this medicine is a rare mineral, which is much more expensive than ordinary herbs. I only charge a cost price. One dose is 380 ¥."


Uncle Li just opened the handkerchief containing change. He shook his hand and said with an embarrassed smile, "why is this medicine so expensive..."

Compared with the medicine prescribed for ordinary diseases, this medicine is indeed more expensive, but I only earn a little symbolically - medical practice is not charity, and the fees are charged in a big way. Doctors can continue to practice medicine only if they don't starve to death, which is the most basic.

"Not so good!" Zhang geqi learned bad northeast dialect and listened very funny, "uncle, this medicine is a thousand ¥ a dose outside. Doctor Lin is really a conscience price!"

Uncle Li was a little worried, "I don't know how long this disease has to be treated. How can I bear it if I eat like this? Alas..."

I said, "Uncle Li, this disease is really rare and difficult to cure. If you don't have cash on hand, you can write an IOU."

Uncle Li shook his head firmly and said, "no, no, no, I owe everything, but I can't owe money to see a doctor and save lives. Wait a minute, I'll go back to the house and get the money."

After Uncle Li went in, I asked Zhang Geqi: "Did you just say that seven stone scattered 1000 ¥ a suit?"

Zhang Geqi nodded. "In our circle of flood dragon catcher, the price of this medicine is just that, because demand has long exceeded supply. You should have asked me first. Where's your charity at that price? If your price is known by other flood dragon catcher, you must buy out your home. Right, is not still a want to see a doctor, this time you sell high!"

I shook my head. "That won't do. Both families have to pay the same price. Besides, the two families inquired about each other and found out that the prices of the drugs were different, so the Zhang's family thought I was treating them differently."

Then I sighed with melancholy, "in fact, the price is a small matter, not to mention that the villagers can't afford this kind of consumption. After years of eating seven stone powder, how much inventory do I have to prepare? This is not a matter at all! Can flood dragon disease really not be rooted?"

Zhang geqi grinned. "It's easy to say that. If there's a way to get rid of the root, don't those flood dragon catcher die in vain? No, never! In my opinion, these two guys should go and be flood dragon catcher!"

"Is there a guarantee that the fisherman can make money quickly?" I asked.

"No, it's a happy death!" Zhang geqi laughed, "think about it, being eaten by the flood dragon is clean and tidy, and even the money for cremation is saved!"

"Do you!" I said angrily, this guy is too naughty.

I reflected: No matter in the books, grandma, or the flood dragon catcher, they all said there was no cure for this disease. It seemed that there was really nothing to be done. The feeling of encountering such a terminal disease was really frustrating...

Later, Uncle Li came out and took out a handful of bills with change and whole. His calloused and chapped hands looked distressing.

After I took it, I said I would come back tomorrow and took leave.

Then the thought of going to Zhang Xiaofa's home made me feel less relaxed - after all, I don't know XiaoFA very well, and his father's character is not very good, which is famous in the village.

This time I first quoted the price of the medicine, and then Zhang Xiaofa's father gave me a particularly unhappy sentence, "Dr. Lin, your grandmother never confiscated such a high drug fee when she practiced medicine. I say a bad word, some money can be earned, some money can't be earned."

Hearing this, I was so angry that he actually suspected me of temporarily raising prices?

I don't want to break my face with my fellow villagers, and as a doctor, it's very cheap to argue with others.

I repressed my anger and answered faintly, "we Lin family never do this kind of thing. This medicine is the price. If you don't believe it, you can find someone to identify the price of these herbs yourself. In addition, if you don't want to cure it, please help yourself, I won't force you."

"Well, that's what, I don't mean that..." Zhang Xiaofa's father softened again when he heard the speech, banging the tooth flower, "three drugs for more than 1000 ¥... Alas, forget it, I'll take it first. How many courses of treatment will this medicine take?"

I said, "keep eating!"

"What?" He was startled and widened his eyes.

I have to emphasize again, "Uncle Zhang, flood dragon disease is a terminal disease, which can only be suppressed and cannot be eradicated. You should be prepared. This seven stone powder needs to be taken every day, and you can't stop taking it for almost a lifetime."

"If you take such expensive medicine every day, you can't afford a golden mountain at home!" Zhang Xiaofa's father shook his head and muttered emotionally, "Dr. Lin, can't you cure it? Make up such words to scare me?"

Being questioned, I was even more upset, and wanted to throw a sentence of no cure and pull down.

At this time, Zhang geqi, who had been looking on coldly, took off half of his coat, exposed the scales on his shoulders, and said, "uncle, take care of it. After getting this disease, it will slowly become like me. Without taking medicine, the situation will worsen, and finally become a monster who is neither human nor ghost. Moreover, his six relatives don't recognize him, and bite everyone he sees! If you don't plan to treat your son, I'm ready to buy all these seven stone powders of Dr. Lin. don't regret it at that time."

Zhang Xiaofa's father looked at Zhang geqi's dense flesh scales in amazement. He calmed down for a long time and hurriedly said, "I'll treat me. I'm just this son. Even if I smash the pot and sell iron, I can't let him have any problems!"

Zhang Xiaofa's father casually bought three bags of medicine. Zhang geqi and I stayed in his yard for a while. When the medicine soup was fried, Zhang Xiaofa's father carefully brought a bowl to Zhang Xiaofa.

Forced, Zhang Xiaofa struggled more fiercely, broke away from his father, and slipped under the bed.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofa's father was difficult to deal with alone, Zhang geqi simply went to "help".

Zhang geqi dragged Zhang Xiaofa's ankle and easily dragged him out from the bottom of the bed, then fixed him in his arms with a "strong man locks man" posture, and forcibly broke Zhang Xiaofa's mouth.

Zhang geqi was so strong that he locked Zhang Xiaofa tightly and made him unable to move.

Zhang Xiaofa's father was able to successfully pour the medicine down. Zhang Xiaofa choked out of his nostrils while being poured, and his throat made a gurgling sound, just like the concubine in the TV series who was poisoned by someone. It was really tragic.

After drinking, Zhang geqi immediately spread it out. Zhang Xiaofa knelt on the ground and retched a few times, and then shivered again.

I squatted down and looked at him: "Xiaofa, is it a little cold?"

"That's right. This medicine temporarily suppresses the evil air in your body, so you will feel cold. You should remember one thing, liking shade and humidity and wanting raw fish are all diseases, which can't develop by it. To fight against the disease, your own willpower is very important."

Zhang Xiao was stunned, and suddenly cried out, beating his hands on the ground, "shit, why does this strange disease come to me! Why am I so unlucky!"

I thought to myself, every sick person in the world wants to ask this question. Including me, I still don't know what the "time bomb" in my body is....

Hearing his son crying, Zhang Xiaofa's father was angry and slapped him in the face, crisp.

Zhang Xiaofa's father stared at him and scolded, "you careless little bastard, tell you to eat indiscriminately! This is good. Our family must let you take medicine and go bankrupt!"