The natural enemies of the dragon

It may be because of my career. I've never done anything I'm not sure about. I'm basically an insulator for risky behavior.

We walked down the mountain and left the forest in a hurry. Finally, we could see the village under the mountain. It was reassuring to see the lights.

I never thought that there were flood dragon activities on Niuji mountain close at hand. Between the White Mountains and black waters in the northeast, many many travelers or mountaineers disappeared every year. When you think about it carefully, it was chilly. The missing people were probably eaten by flood dragon lurking in the mountains!

I asked Zhang geqi, "by the way, flood dragon likes eating people?"

He replied, "I can't say whether I like it or not, but the flood dragon who are active in the mountains occasionally encounter bipedal animals with slow running, small strength and good meat, which are equivalent to snacks delivered to the door. Do you think they won't eat them?"

"Two legged sheep..." I sighed and thought of some dark years in history.

As he walked, Zhang geqi cut through the branches and weeds with a dragon cutting knife. When he encountered a steep slope, he inserted the knife into the ground as a climbing pick. The knife body was horribly bent. I was thrilled to see it, and I wanted to complain that he didn't cherish the "treasured knife" in his mouth at all.

When he came to the relatively gentle mountain path, Zhang geqi fulfilled his promise and lent me his knife to "play".

I took the knife curiously and found that it was lighter than expected. There was a delicate sense of balance in my hand. I tried to lift it flat, but I didn't feel very tired. I waved and chopped it a few times. It was very powerful. The cold weapon had an irresistible charm.

I asked him, "how do you go through the security check with this knife?"

Zhang geqi seriously bullshit, "I usually don't take trains or planes, but fly with Driving knife."

"Well, you fly one to open my eyes." I handed the knife back to him.

He said shamelessly, "this profound magic can't be performed casually in front of people."

Back in the village, grandma saw that we were unkempt, and Zhang geqi's clothes were rotten, so she had to complain. She cooked pumpkin millet porridge for dinner, for which I had no appetite at all, so I cooked instant noodles by myself, fried some scallions, and made noodles with scallion oil.

As soon as the scallions were fried, hungry Zhang geqi grabbed the fried scallions in the bowl and ate them. I gave him a blank look: "you meow, that's what I want to eat in noodles!"

"what, you didn't say it earlier!" Zhang geqi said, throwing the last fried scallion into his mouth, " but this is a very delicious toy."

Fortunately, I have a lot of vegetables at home. I washed some vegetables, fried some onions, mixed a sesame sauce, and made a big bowl of noodles for Zhang geqi. I also have a big bowl myself.

He snored and gave me a thumbs up. "Dr. Lin is really a man who can live! Hey, by the way, why don't I hire you to be my entourage assistant!"

"Thank you. I'm not interested." I chewed garlic cloves to have a mouthful of noodles, "by the way, when are you leaving?"

Zhang geqi said with a smile, "here are beautiful mountains and rivers, and Doctor Lin's warm hospitality, can't I stay a few more days?"

"Ah? Shameful? You eat so much, and you want to eat my meal for nothing?"

At this time, grandma came over, "Miaomiao, it's rude, and all the guests came. I owe them a favor for the recipe that the flood dragon catcher gave me for seven stone powder. Let's treat young Zhang well!"

Zhang geqi wiped his mouth, put down his chopsticks and said respectfully, "grandma Lin, in fact, I have a reason to stay. I'm worried that the situation of the two guys in your village is getting worse. I'm here to deal with the aftermath, and I'll pay for the meal."

I was slightly surprised and asked, "what does it mean to 'deal with the aftermath'?"

Zhang geqi used his palm as a knife, stuck it on his neck, and said with a smile, "understand?"

I frowned, thinking whether his understatement was a little careless? The sidewalk: "with me, it can't get worse. Isn't it under control?"

Zhang geqi shook his head, "Doctor Lin, don't think too optimistic. Will these two families always take medicine? Especially the uncle Zhang, I obviously feel that he doesn't trust you very much. If there is any sign of losing control, I'll 'deal with the aftermath' immediately. You don't have to be too surprised, this is our unwritten regulations for flood dragon catcher, and we should kill the source of infection to prevent the spread of flood dragon disease."

"What? You often kill people?" I was so surprised that the noodle bowl in my hand almost turned over.

Grandma calmly said to me, "Miaomiao, there are really such rules in the business of flood dragon catcher, because flood dragon patients will attack everyone in the late stage, which is very dangerous. This disease can't be rooted, which is also a helpless move to protect ordinary people. If things are really serious enough to need flood dragon catcher's action, we don't have to stop it."

"But, grandma, don't you often say, 'if words can't be cured, you can't get their skills'. As long as it's a disease, can it be cured?"

"I did say..." grandma nodded helplessly and sighed, "but I've found a solution for flood dragon for half my life, but there's still no radical cure."

I felt a burst of disappointment. Calm down and think about it. Indeed, even those flood dragon catcher can only suppress flood dragon, and there is no complete solution. It is even more difficult for us outsiders to eradicate flood dragon.

If Zhang Xiaofa and Li Youtian which day can not afford to eat seven stone powder, will be mercilessly "clean up"? Li Youtian is, after all, my childhood!

This is also very heavy for me. If one day, Li Youtian's family really can't afford seven stone powder, his life is all in my mind. Will I be forced to bear him to eat seven stone powder all his life, or will I bear the guilt of killing him...

Thinking of this, I suddenly lost my appetite and put down my dishes and chopsticks to get some books to read.

I silently made up my mind to find a way to treat flood dragon disease!

It seems that I didn't mention the words in the book I turned out. On the other side, grandma and Zhang geqi have been chatting, and the old and the young seem to hit it off.

As it was getting late, Zhang geqi came again and asked, "Dr. Lin, where do I sleep at night?"

I didn't look away from the book and said faintly, "you sleep in my room."

"Sleeping in the same bed? Hey, hey, but I'm not honest when I sleep. It's easy for you to get hurt by kicking and kicking."

"I'll make the floor. You're a guest. Go to bed!"

Seeing that I had been buried in books, Zhang geqi advised, "Dr. Lin, in fact, you don't have to be too stubborn. This flood dragon disease is not good even if Hua Tuo is alive..."

I looked at him and said, "brother Zhang, listen to fate as much as possible. I can't find a way to treat flood dragon and give up without looking for it. Isn't it impossible to overcome difficult diseases?"

He smiled, stopped talking, shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Grandma instructed him to boil water and wash, and Zhang geqi also went obediently.

Grandma didn't interfere with me, just patted me on the back and told me before going to bed, "Miaomiao, go to bed early, read a book and rest your eyes. There is still millet porridge left in the kitchen, and eat it when you are hungry."

I nodded and said, "grandma, go to bed first."

I read a book very late and almost looked through all grandma's notes, but I still had no clue.

At the moment, I was very tired physically and mentally. Finally, I fell asleep on the temporary floor in frustration. In a daze, I dreamed of a large centipede with wings hovering in the sky. I suddenly woke up and thought of a folk story——

It is said that there was a knowledgeable miracle doctor named Luo Zhifu in the Jin Dynasty, who was both a doctor and a Taoist.

One day when it rained, he smelled the fishy rain and said, "the dragon in the sky is sick."

The next day, a scholar in white came to see him and said he had a headache. Luo Zhifu looked at each other, shook his fan and said, "I know who your excellency is. Please show yourself!"

The scholar in White asked him to meet him in the countryside. Luo Zhifu went to the countryside with a medicine box on his arm. He saw a huge white dragon lying on the ground, humming.

Luo Zhifu came forward to check and began to treat. A moment later, a centipede came out of the dragon's brain. The Dragon immediately recovered, thanked Luo Zhifu and flew away.

In fact, it's not just a folk story. I remember many stories mentioned that the dragon, a research creature in the clouds, has a nemesis in the mortal world, which is the centipede.

Although the centipede is small, it can get into the brain of the dragon and poison it.

There is indeed a saying of restraint in traditional medicine. For example, rat bite poisoning can be treated with the oil refined by wild cats, and mosquito borne diseases can be treated with geckos .

So can centipede toxin restrain flood dragon that are inferior to dragons?