Explore the cave again

When I stood at the mouth of the cave and looked up, I suddenly felt angry and funny.

Zhang geqi actually hung his hands on the wall of the cave on the roof. After looking at me, he jumped down with a smile, patted the ash on his hands and said, "Hey, I'm kidding, didn't I scare you?"

I said angrily, "how old are you this year? Can you be normal? Here, get a flashlight!"

I gave him a flashlight. After he unscrewed it, he shook it around, holding it in his hand like a lightsaber.

I thought to myself that this guy's ADHD might not be better for a lifetime...

Then I took out the export mask and put it on. Due to my hurry, I didn't have time to buy that kind of activated carbon mask from the Internet, so I had to take some ordinary medical masks from home.

There is a lot of floating dust in the tomb path, and they are all 100 year old dust. How can we do without a mask?

When I handed the mask to Zhang geqi, he immediately showed a disdainful expression and said, "Oh, don't be so careful. I didn't wear it last time!"

I said seriously, "you must wear it!"

Emphasize again and again, and finally say that if you don't wear it, you won't find the Earth Dragon King. He doesn't want to wear it, and we're going now.

This time, I entered the hole relatively calmly. I observed carefully. It was indeed a tomb path, with an arched roof above it. It had been squeezed by the crazy growth of tree roots and was about to collapse. The tomb bricks on the wall were uneven, barely maintaining the shape of the tomb path. I felt that another rainstorm would collapse here with vibrant tree roots.

But why is this tomb path open and shouldn't it be sealed? Or did someone come in?

I think the most likely thing is that tomb robbers have visited here!

I have seen some documentaries. The real tomb raiding is neither exciting nor legendary. Archaeologists often find a large tomb. As soon as they open it, they find that it is full of theft holes. Like huge honeycomb briquettes, the cultural relics in the tomb are often looted, and the tools left by the tomb robbers have become cultural relics. Experts are often heartbroken to see this situation!

After the fall of a dynasty, the former magnificent tombs were cash machines in the eyes of thieves, both official and civilian. Later, despicable foreigners came to take a share. In a word, tomb theft has been rampant since ancient times!

Of course, the real danger in the ancient tomb is not the mechanism trap monster mentioned in the novel, but the lack of oxygen and the betrayal of his companions.

Thinking of this, I told Zhang geqi, "I don't have candles on me. Don't go too fast. If I have dizziness and nausea, stop immediately. I'm worried about the lack of oxygen below."

Zhang geqi heard the word, he simply turned around and walked backwards, and casually said, "Doctor Lin, you are too careful. Since there is moss on the wall, it means that the air inside is flowing normally."

"Drive carefully for thousands of years... Be careful!"


Something suddenly appeared behind Zhang geqi. He hit his back directly. As soon as he touched it, he jumped away quickly.

The flashlight in our hands shone together, and we couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief - it was just a stone FIGURINE carved with a maid. The texture of the clothes was very lifelike, and even a little elegant and flexible.

The maid had a long neck, hooked forward, stretched forward, and carried a rusty brass censer in her slender hands.

In addition, the maid's face was somewhat strange, feeling like a smile, and there was an inexplicable sense of oppression. Seeing it in this dark environment made people feel fear.

"This broken stone man startled me." Zhang geqi knocked the stone figurines with a dragon knife, making a crisp sound, and then he suddenly made a gesture to cut the head of the maid.

I was surprised, "what are you doing?"

"Hey, hey." Zhang geqi suddenly stopped his knife, "this frightens me, and I also frighten it. That's fair! By the way, I think of a ghost story of using people to make statues. You say that the sculpture is so lifelike, is it really sealed with a living person? Didn't the emperors and generals in the past like this?"

"Don't think about it. Terracotta figures are supposed to replace human beings and animals. After all, stone terracotta figures are more beautiful, cheaper and can be preserved for a longer time. Did you see 'emperors and generals in the past like this' on TV?"

Zhang geqi smiled, "forget it, I'm not a professional. How can I understand this? Just say it casually."

I reminded him, "don't touch the things in the tomb. After getting rid of the Earth Dragon King, you can call the archaeological team in the city and ask them to deal with the aftermath."

As I said this, I bypassed the stone figurines in the middle of the road. I couldn't help wondering why we didn't meet it last time?

The last time I came down this tunnel, although it was dark, the tomb path was so narrow that I couldn't touch anything in the way.

Thinking of this, I became more and more alert, and inexplicably wanted to look back. Suddenly, I seemed to feel something moving in the dark. I immediately flashed my flashlight behind me, but the place where the stone figurines originally stood was empty!

Zhang geqi patted me and said, "what's the matter? Dr. Lin, what are you looking at? Nothing! Huh? Shit, where's the stone statue?" He also widened his eyes in amazement.

Through the mask, I heard myself take a breath.

I murmured, "strange... How did the stone figurines disappear out of thin air? Is there any mechanism?"

"However, isn't such a mechanism a little boring? What's its function besides scaring people?"

With that, Zhang geqi walked back.

I told him to be careful, so he took a dragon knife and carefully knocked on the wall and the ground.

There was no trace of any heavy weight on the ground, as if the stone FIGURINE had never existed at all.

Zhang geqi couldn't find anything and looked around in wonder.

I thought about it and said, "don't look for it, let's go!"

Zhang geqi misunderstood, "what? Go back? This little accident will go back? Are you too cautious?"

I was speechless for a moment. "What are you thinking? I mean, keep going! Now that we are ready, this accident is not enough to retreat."

Zhang geqi said with a reassuring smile, "hmm? This is not quite in line with your personal design. I thought you would turn back when you heard the wind and grass!"

"Do you want to go back or continue to go deep?" I glanced at him, "besides, I'm just cautious, not timid. No matter how the stone man disappeared out of thin air just now, or whether he used blindfold or portering, he can ignore it as long as there is no threat to us."

"I'm just kidding. Of course, I'm going to keep going. If I don't lay down the Earth Dragon King today, I'm uncomfortable!"

We walked quietly for another period, and Zhang geqi suddenly said, "Doctor Lin, I remember you told me before that there would be a maid with a incense burner on Niuji mountain? So coincidentally? That stone man was the maid with a incense burner just now!"

After he reminded me, I suddenly remembered!

This coincidence made me feel a little creepy, thinking that the legendary weird maid in waiting walking in the fog is this thing? Is she actually in this narrow and gloomy tomb passage?

I immediately felt a chill behind me, but fear would weaken the body's surface, causing shade evil to invade.

So I quickly stopped and recited the pheasant Sutra....

Hearing what I said, Zhang geqi asked curiously, "what are you doing?"

I read the Sutra and couldn't answer, so I grabbed his wrist. Zhang geqi was stunned, and then said in surprise, "shit, why are your hands so hot?"

The effect of the male pheasant Sutra is to boost the shine air of the whole body, so as to achieve the effect of resisting external evil. With the completion of the Sutra, a warm current moistens the whole body, as if drinking a bowl of hot brown sugar ginger soup, and the whole body is hot and full of essence.

This abundant shine air was also passed on to Zhang geqi by the way.

He couldn't help moving his limbs and said approvingly, "it's not bad. He's getting hot! Doctor Lin, your spell is very useful! Teach me!"

I said, "it's useless to teach you. You don't worship Zongbu God. My spell is an ordinary tongue twister for you. By the way, it's reasonable that you flood dragon catcher also have their own magical powers, but I don't seem to have seen you use it."

An embarrassed smile flashed across Zhang geqi's face, "sorry, I didn't learn that kind of thing!"

"Well, what you call catching flood dragon catcher is a life and a knife, fighting flood dragon hard?" I asked in surprise.

"That's my style! It's not my boast. Since I came out of the mountain, I have caught five flood dragon and made more than two million. A real man should rely on his body and martial arts to fight with real swords and guns, and don't play tricks!" He laughed complacently.

I thought to myself, what is called "tricks", is it that even I have been carried on, and this is any inexplicable sense of pride? However, looking at his usual appearance, it doesn't seem that he can't understand.