a secret master plan

I thought to myself, is that shadow Zhang geqi's?

At the moment, I'm obviously trapped in some kind of space Dharma array, and the sick tiger talisman is the strongest killing move in all my means. Maybe it's the power of this flame that shook the Dharma array in an instant and tore a crack!


I was just Shouting when my brass stick, which weighed more than a thousand pounds, plunged into the ground and nearly brought me down.

I pulled it hard, motionless, as if it were welded.

Wait, isn't this the skill of dragon cutting knife? You can suck all the metal weapons around on the ground!

So, Zhang geqi now activates this ability, but I don't even hear him shout "god subordinate soldier"

I looked around the empty stone room, and those "ghosts" were still burning in the afterfire, making a squeak. I scanned the whole stone room, but I didn't notice the slightest sense of Zhang geqi's existence.

Just now, the fire light shone the shadow of Zhang geqi, and the skill of dragon cutting knife really affected me, which showed that we must be standing in the same stone room, but we were confused by magic, and neither of us could detect each other.

It is likely that in reality, we are standing a few meters away, standing still, looking panicked and trying to escape here...

Subconsciously, I squeezed the tip of my tongue into the middle of my teeth, and then hesitated. The method of biting the tip of my tongue can indeed break some ghosts against the wall, but I also felt that the current French array was more advanced, and it was impossible to pass so easily.

This should be regarded as an insurmountable dilemma, so I hurriedly took out three brocade bags given by my grandmother.

Grandma embroidered the words "heaven", "Earth" and "man" on the brocade bag. Naturally, I opened the brocade bag with the word "heaven" first.

Inside was a piece of jute paper. I felt relieved when I saw grandma's regular script. The dense small characters wrote: "Miaomiao, there may be a magic array such in the ancient tomb. With your current ability, you can't crack it! You can write the word 'Xia'an' on the paper as a magic spell to solve the array, and then you can break the puzzle!"

Although I didn't understand what "Xia'an" meant, I did it immediately, put my thumb in my mouth, bit a small piece of skin, and then wrote the word "Xia'an" on the back of this paper.

After writing the last stroke, suddenly a large blue flame appeared in front of me, and formed a floating human shape. Zhang geqi's voice came from the side: "what's going on? Is it an illusion again? It can't scare me!"

"Zhang geqi!" I shouted at him.

"Who? Dr. Lin? Are you true or false?" Zhang geqi asked suspiciously. At this time, I only heard his voice but didn't see him.

"We ate steamed bread, pickled vegetables and millet porridge in the morning, right?"

"Yes, yes, where are you?" Zhang geqi's voice obviously relaxed.

"Don't move, I'm breaking!"

Looking at the flaming human form, I thought it might be the ghost that manipulates the Dharma array, and "Xia'an" is its name. What the hidden thing is most afraid of is being named. My blood is full of shine, so it will suddenly burn.

I can't help sighing. Grandma is too divine. How does she know that this ghost will trap us and what the other party's name is at the same time!

Since there was a way to restrain it, I clamped this bloody paper between my fingers, aimed at the burning figure, waved it down, and shouted, "the evil spirit retreated!"

With a shrill woman's cry, the blue flame was sucked into the wall. At the same time, a door appeared there. The flame slipped through the corridor behind the door and disappeared at the end.

And the stone chamber also returned to normal. Zhang geqi really stood not far away and looked at me in surprise. On the ground in front of me, there are some bones burning, but the flame color is normal.

"Release!" Zhang geqi shouted and pulled out the Dragon cutting knife inserted on the ground.

At this time, my brass walking stick can be picked up. I walked over and poked the bones with the end of my walking stick.

The remaining flames went out when they touched the water - these are several human bones, wrapped in some rags, and look rotten for a long time.

They were carrying tools such as shovels and pickaxes. I said, "these people should be tomb robbers trapped here!"

Zhang geqi came over and pointed to the dead bones: "just now these skeletons got up and attacked me, so I used that trick."

I see. The visions we see are not quite the same, but they are also similar.

Zhang geqi was also trapped in the dreamland, and then he suddenly saw a bright flame, which was actually put by me.

When I learned that I was able to break the battle successfully by relying on the brocade bag given by my grandmother. Zhang geqi couldn't help but say, "your grandmother is really a living fairy! I want such a grandmother!"

"Did your grandmother beat you up when she heard it?" I smiled, put my finger in front of my pocket, and asked the green sac spider to help me paint some spider silk. After the cool spider silk was applied, the hot pain on my finger tip disappeared. However, this underground tomb is old and the environment is very poor. In order to protect the wound, I took out sterile tape from my waist bag and wrapped my finger.

At this time, Zhang geqi found a tall terracotta warrior in the corner, walked over and said, "it's superfluous to take such insurance measures in a ghost place where there is nothing good!" With that, he pointed his knife at the terracotta warriors.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

He said with a careless smile, "the first time you go to the tomb, engrave 'Zhang geqi is here for a visit' as a souvenir."

I simply had nothing to say, "you have a cramp in your brain? You want to be wanted, right? Stop it! Besides, you can't leave your real name and surname casually. If someone who knows witchcraft sees it, he can kill you!"

With that, I folded the paper with the words "Xia'an" written in blood and stuffed it into my pocket - the guy was not killed, so I had to keep it.

Zhang geqi dropped his mouth, "just kidding. I'm not that stupid."

I nodded, "by the way, I'll popularize science for you again - in the past, the loser would write his name on a wooden card and offer it with both hands, which means handing over his life to the other party."

"Oh? No wonder I don't know your full name! By the way, what's your full name?"

''Go outside! ''

I plan to subdue the ghosts of these tomb robbers in the tomb, which is ready-made labor.

So I took out four pieces of blank jute paper, unfolded it like a poker, and then recited a spell. The Yin Qi lingering in this stone room was like being awakened, and slowly gathered into the adult form, but Zhang geqi couldn't see it.

The four tomb robbers who died in this stone chamber don't know when they broke in, or they may have been people in the village. Unfortunately, they were trapped here and died, becoming the ghost of no owner.

I punched the four angry souls: "would you like to help me? Then I will sacrifice to you! Of course, if you don't want help me, I won't ask."

Where would they not like it? As soon as my voice fell, four evil winds whizzed towards me, and automatically got into the blank jute paper and turned into four dancing little ink men.

I checked it, and it is estimated that the resentment accumulated over time. These four are ancient tomb ghosts, which can bring disaster to a big house in horror films.

Four good "collections" were added, and I was a little happy. I put away the hemp paper and asked Zhang geqi to move on.

We just walked to the other end of the channel, suddenly two blue flames flickered in the dark, slowly outlining a strange outline.

"Shit, how come!"

Zhang geqi scolded and drew his knife in his hand.