Viking's Way - Part 6


A few years ago, back to the time when world was still "safe" from zombies and only filled with viruses not so deathly and contagious, in an apartment building at Uppsala region. A man, that resembles Charly from the present time in the apocalyptic time, he leaves his room, looking all dirty, and feeling crap. He left his room because someone was knocking on his door, and that person who knocked his door it is the guy who resembles Roy from the present time.

"Hello! Your order is here." says Roy handing Charly a package with Glovo sign.

"What package? I didn't order anything." responds Charly.

"Someone ordered something at this address." says Roy handing the box to Charly, who is just taking it. "It costs nothing by the way." And he leaves the perimeter by going at the stairs.

"Okay…" responds Charly surprised by this unexpected situation.

Charly enters his apartment, he closes the door behind him and goes with the box on his living room, decorated in a Viking style, having a Viking sword and shield attached to the left wall, a Viking helmet on the coffee table, and a portrait of Vikings fighting Anglo-Saxon's on the wall next to the bookshelf, all with different novels, history books and comic books. Charly puts the box on the coffee table, and he opens it up, he checks it.

As he opened the box, he notices a picture in there, him and his twin sister, dressed as Vikings at a History Convention. They have the same costumes as they had at the present of this apocalypse. Charly looks at the picture with a smile, and he found there a note, on the box.

He takes the note with his left hand, as with the right he holds the picture, and read the note loud: "For my sweet brother. From Charlotta.". He sighs happily as he looks at the picture, and he says with a smile: "This sister…". Charly puts the picture on the coffee table, next to the Viking's helmet on the coffee table.


Later, everybody, from the group of the five survivors and two Vikings cosplayers, they are gathering around the body of Roy, with no sign of life and killed before he was about to transform into one of those creatures. Artur looks sad at the body of Roy. Sigurd is feeling guilty of not being able to protect this man, while Edla is hugging her sister, Ebba, and cries on her shoulders, mourning the death of someone close to her. And the Vikings are sad, they do not cry since they never meet the guy named Roy, and they don't show much emotion on the battlefields, nor in moments like these.

Sigurd takes a blanket from an SUV interior, where there are corpses of burned people. as he took a blanket from there, he puts on the body of Roy, and he tells to the body of their dead comrade that died such a pitiful death.

"We will never forget you, Roy. Rest in peace, good man. We will never forget the things you have done to me at warehouse."

"I-I will never forget the day…" says Edla leaving her sister, and looking with tears in her eyes at the covered body of Roy. "The day you have t-taken medicine fo-for me." she continues to cry, she almost fell on the road, but her sister grabs her.

"We should head into a building." says Ebba to her people, and walking as she holds her sister close to the closest building and who could look safe, a raided supermarket, but still standing.

After everyone from there told their words to the corpse of Roy, they move along to the store where Edla and Ebba entered. As they entered that abandoned store, something will be changing their plans.


Meanwhile, on a city, not far from the Dock's area, a helicopter, who is flying at a high altitude, it is loaded with soldiers, all armed to their teeth with machine guns, grenade launchers and sniper rifles. On the squad of the twelve soldiers, there is Ronald, the survivors who a few weeks ago fought in Haga against waves of zombies, together with other three survivors.

Ronald, even though he was assigned first as a mechanic, he volunteered to go into this mission, mainly because the bodies of soldiers started to go down, and the islands started to become to cram. The population of the Haga Artificial Island it is now three hundred forty-nine people, and only sixty-three from those people are soldiers and volunteers.

"Nice view." says Ronald looking down as the helicopter passes a factory that is in ruin and collapsed a while ago.

"It sure is." responds the soldier next to him looking at the clouds and the sky. "Listen, Ronald. This is your first mission, right? You should be cool and not lose focus."

"Don't worry about me. I was on the run for at least three to four days in the Netherlands." says Ronald as he loads his sniper rifle. He takes a look at his General, a huge soldier, wearing a gas mask, giving him the "OK" sign. Ronald leaves his seat, and he walks slowly and closely to an open window of the helicopter.

"Do it." says a soldier with beard and camouflage cap.

"If you kill nine, I give you a beer." say the same soldier who was next to Ronald.

"Okay." responds Ronald looking at the visor of the sniper rifle and checking the zombies from the rooftops of the big buildings, as the helicopter proceed to low the altitude.

Ronald shoots the first shot of the sniper rifle, killing a zombie of a building rooftop, who was looking at the helicopter and wave his hands. The body of that zombie falls from there and lands on the street, crashing into a zombie that was a Crawler type.

"Two." says Ronald reloading the sniper rifle with a bullet from his vest pocket.

He shots a second shot, killing a zombie who was at the window and looking at the helicopter. It just stands there, looked at it and took the shot. Then, when he got shot into the head, it falls on his back, on the floor.


Ronald shoots another bullet, into a zombie from the next floor of the same building where he shoots the third one. He killed the creature via a neck shot. Sniper bullets are able to kill zombies if you shoot the neck, jaw or one of the eyes. He loads the sniper rifle quick, and shoot a fourth bullet in a second, to a zombie that was climbing the building, and looked at him falling as he loads the fifth bullet.


Ronald kills a sixth zombie, who was slowly walking on another building rooftop. The corpse of that creature falls with the face on the concrete. Then, a zombie was looking at the corpse, and was about to go at it and eat it, but Ronald was quick and put a bullet on that "Undead" zombie type in the head.

"Seven." says Ronald, and makes some soldiers there impressed by Ronald accuracy of shooting.

He loads a seven bullet fast, and he looks around for the two zombies, and he found them, he notices two of the zombies walking cluelessly on the rooftop, and Ronald was only waited for the moment he will launch a shoot which will ricochet the head of the two zombies. And the moment came in a few seconds, and he pulled the trigger, launching the sniper rifle bullet, that filed at a high speed and killed two zombies by only one hit.

The soldiers were clapping and congratulate Ronald for killing two zombies by only one hit of a single bullet. The soldier however, felt a little sad he has to share a beer from his crate who is becoming smaller each day. But he has done it because a bet is a bet. Plus, the General was a witness at this bet.

The helicopter started to fly low, until he got at a good altitude where it will be landing at a small football terrain, where a lot of zombies and soldiers have got killed in this carnage. and there, it will be installed the new outpost of Sweden.