Viking's Way - Part 19

On the rebuild base made the Squad of soldiers… The defence plan they have made last night is going well for now because they have been supplied with enough ammo to take down hundreds of zombies. On a normal building, who used to be a complex where people with money and jobs used to live, a soldier by the name tag Chris uses a sniper rifle to make chains kills.

"I got a triple shoot." says the soldier reloading his sniper rifle with an explosive bullet. "These bullets are amazing, Ronald."

"Sure, they are!" responds Ronald, who is using grenade launchers who are attached to the windows. He shoots a grenade from a high distance, and he hits a group of zombies who were running to the walls of the bases. The grenade lands on the group of zombies, and it makes them transform into a pile of blood and organs.

Soldiers from the base are pouring all of their ammo on the group of zombies who are running or walking to their base they have stayed and protect it with their lives since they came here and retake it. One of the soldiers at the front gates, he runs out of ammo for his machine gun, so he decides to take out a pipe bomb. He turns it on and throws it to the group of zombies.

"Pipe bomb!" yelled the soldier after he throw the pipe bomb at about six meters distance.

The pipe bomb lands inside a vehicle. As the pipe bomb flies, with the "Bing" noises he was making, a few zombies, being creature that are not able to think, they follow the sounds of the pie bomb, who just entered a car, that contains three gas cans, all filled with gas. Car that was not conveniently put there, and not checked since the day the new squad of soldiers has come here.

A few two digits numbers of zombies are near the car, trying to get in it and "take" the noise of that pipe bomb who proceeds to run faster and become more irritating. The "Bing and beep" continued for about five second, until an explosion happened. It was an explosion who destroyed the two-digit number of creatures, and made a big fire due to the three gas cans inside the car.

"Wow!" says the soldier seeing the big fire from the car, and a lot of zombies being killed and burning up. "Wait we have gas in there?" asks another soldier, who is reloading his machine gun.

"Had." says the other soldier, who is blasting the machine gun he is holding on his hands, shooting all the fast zombies by destroying their heads, and pining them down by mutilating their legs or hands.

After about forty seconds, the machine gun of this soldier runs out of ammo. He swears and proceed to reload this fast killing machine as fast as he could by adding a new clip that contains now at least two hundred bullets. The last clip had only one hundred.

"Man, look!" says a soldier stopping the one wielding the machine gun, he points at a group of four people who are running to their base. "Are those humans?"

"Don't know." says the soldier, and he hands a pair of binoculars to the soldier who saw the people heading to their base.

The man looks through binoculars, at the direction where the four survivors are coming. He looks at them for about ten seconds. He saw the group is having a female and three males. And that group is the one who were almost two days ago in Uppsala.

"There are survivors coming!" yells the soldier who is running to the commander to announce this, letting his comrade shoot the zombies who are running to the base direction, and he also ordered him, before he left, to keep the survivors as safe as possible.

Ronald is with Chris, on the building we have mentioned earlier, he shoots three grenades from the grenade launcher to a big horde of zombies. The grenades lands on that horde, making all of the zombies from there explodes and lay on the ground. Then, before he was about to shoot another grenade to the remaining zombies from that horde, he gets a message from the commanders via the headphones he wears.

"We have Code 45. Code 45. Survivors are in the horde of the zombies. I repeat. Survivors in the horde of the zombies who are approaching our base! Protect them! I repeat! Protect the survivors from that horde!"

Ronald is taking a look at Chris, who is looking through the scope of his sniper rifle, and he tells Ronald.

"I see the survivors, mate. They are four."

"Are they infected?" asks Ronald.

"Cannot tell from this distance. But if they are or not, our duty is to protect any civilian. Even in these hard-trying times."

As Ronald was about to shoot a grenade into a horde of zombies who are turning around to the survivors, a flare flies into the sky, and it lands in top of a building that used to be a business of a man who used to repair cars before this apocalypse started. The flare did not attract the zombies, who are focused on trying to breach inside the fortress recreated by the soldiers of this squad.

Ronald sees the group of four survivors are running toward the building where the flare is located, and they are running there, while some zombies are following them. Chris decides to spare a few of the bullets to the group, by killing five of those twenty zombies who are following the gang. He kills all five of them via headshot by using five bullets per. zombie.

"Hope they can handle the trouble." says Chris looking at the direction where the four survivors were running.

"If what they say it is true, and they made this far by themselves, they will be fine." responds Ronald who decides to switch to the machine gun, to eliminate the last dozens of zombies from that horde.