Viking's Way - Part 21


Meanwhile, on the road that a survivor member of the group who has fled to the base, stays inside the truck it got crashed and contains tons of supplies such as food, clothing and melee weapons. Charlotte is the team member who is keeping this truck secured because she and her twin brother are going to use for their Viking's Base they live in.

Now, their base it wasn't the one where King Thorfin lives with other small group, their base is almost at the border with Denmark, at almost twenty kilometres away from Uppsala. Their base consists into houses that are looking exactly like those depicted in Viking's history, Mythology and Morse fiction. About fifty-nine people dressed as Vikings live there, but after these almost three days, Charlotta thinks the people from the base have either decided to leave and search for food or have been killed by one of these things the modern humans are calling them "zombies".

The Viking Woman feels bad for her tribe. They are probably started to grow worried because they are missing for almost three days. The woman can recount that she tells his tribe Leader they will go on an expedition to King Thorfin to acquire some resources for their tribe. But, when they met Sigurd, Ebba, Edla, Artur and Roy, these two decided to use them to get at that base and get some supplies in exchange, or at least, a functional truck in exchange.

On the road there are trucks, but most of them are busted like missing a wheel or two, with their motor gone and one of them have five decayed corpses that smells terrible, but with a truck that doesn't possess any problem, except it needs electrical charge. Having electrical based cars in the Apocalypse is a bad thing because when the electricity has run out of cities, procuring energy will be useless. Even if you try solar energy, it will take a bigger threat because most of the time, it is raining here in Sweden since the beginning of this disaster. Even now, the clouds in the sky are looking grey.

Charlotta, who is staying in the car, is looking on the windshield on the street. All she sees there are a few corpses, who slowly proceeding to move. Charlotta doesn't even want to leave the car and risks of attacking the creature. And that is because of the raining that could come at any moment.

She and group have noticed these zombies are having a weird behaviour when the rain is going on. When they were hiding in that house back in that zone where they took a bus, they saw a group of zombies moving frenetically, yelling and then falling on the ground. They also saw a few things emerging from the ground, back to their feet when the raining stopped and when they were about to leave.

Charlotta is looking straight up at a zombie corpse, resembling a bald obese man whose wearing a costume, and has his torso tore up. The thing rises up, and he is walking to his left, not knowing that a survivor is hiding in a broken truck, waiting for his brother to come back with help, or a spare truck to take the supplies. Charlotta looks at that zombie, and she laughs at it. That zombie it does reminds her of the Principal of the High school she was working a few years ago. That Principle has fired her because of a rich student who wanted to sexually assault her and do some incrimination photos on them.

A single photo was taken which the rich student sneaked inside the house of the teacher, putting paint on his face and looking like scars and blood. He laid next to her bed, and made photo of him in the bed of her teacher, looking like a violated victim. And this did not help that Charlotta was sleeping and was smiling.

It wouldn't have helped even if she had tried to do a lawsuit, the things would have still gone wrong for her because the Principal, the moment he saw the photo on social media and saw it explodes and creating a lot of controversy on their school, he fired her without any hesitation. And when this happened, she decided to delete her social media, and start a new life with a new identity as a writer specialized in Morse mythology.

But when her brother found out about this, he hired a private investigator to do some research on the family of that kid, and it turns out, they found more shocking information than the fact the kid was ruining Charlotta life. The private investigator, has found this family is making money illegally, as a resource they use human trafficking. The Investigator, together with a few cops, they've found in Sweden about twenty humans, all females at the age of 20s, being locked in a warehouse, and feed only bread and water. All of the women's in that place were dressed in revealing clothes, revealing that they were probably used as hookers by the family.

The news has hit the press and the entire family, got arrested and sentenced to at least fifty years in Prison, while the teenager who was supposed to be arrested at the minor prison for about two years, he was found out in a canal, dead, holding a knife on his right hand, while the other is having his veins cut.

Charlotta felt better when she heard the news, but she felt bad when the news of the teenager who got her fired, was found out killed in the canal. She never thought the family of that kid was doing such an atrocious thing, or the fact that this kid, has made one of the women there pregnant (it was revealed in a news article that one of the women's who were trapped in the warehouse, was pregnant with the child of the teenager who just killed himself in the canal).

Back to the present, Charlotte sees how a few rain drops are falling on the ground, and she looks at it. The girl remains in the truck cabin, and she enjoys this rain, who will rise all of the zombies up to their legs, walk around like chicken with no heads and falls back to their slumber.

"Oh, brother Charly. Hope you are safe." says Charlotta as she looks outside and spots a zombie rising from the ground, slowly.


In the meantime, on the base who once was destroyed by zombies, and now become functional again, the soldiers, all positioned on strategic points are preparing their arsenals for another encounter to one of these monsters who are marching to their base. This time however, one of the soldiers, spots something with his binoculars that is making him shiver in fear.

"My God!" says the soldier to one of the group of other three soldiers positioned on the front gate with their four mounted machine guns. "Eddie. Look. A Class F." he hands the binoculars to the soldier named Eddie, who is an afro-white with a red neck moustache.

"Sweet Jesus." say Eddie almost piss his pants when he saw through the binoculars the huge creature who is considered in the manual as a zombie, but in reality, this thing doesn't look like a zombie, except the fact he does eat meat, and people alive. "Alert the snipers."

"On it." says the soldier walking a few meters to the table where Chris and Ronald, were taking a small break.

Ronald and with his friend, Chris, are drinking some tea and enjoying a fine croissant. As they were taking their break from the fight earlier, a thing comes to them, and tells them they have to cancel their break. They are required to be on their positions because they need their sniper rifle support to annihilate the beast coming to their base.

"A class F, you say?" asks Chris after he drink his mint tea. He looks at Ronald. "Didn't we killed one of these things a long time ago?"

"Yeah. I think it was yesterday." says Ronald to Chris.

"Do you think it is the same, or another creature?"

"Probably another, because the last one had no way to come back to life. All of the zombies, who are shoot in the head, die for good."

"Bravo." says Chris feeling proud of Ronald to remember this, but Ronald know this information since that time he and two of his friends were running almost on the entire Holland.

"So who's going to do it?" asks Chris to Ronald, ignoring the fact the messenger he is growing worried of this casual conversation these two are having.

"Should I do it?"

"If you insist." he drinks his tea, and he tells him. "You kill him by only five bullets, and I will personally search for a Playboy magazine."

"You sir, got a deal." says Ronald sounding happy because it has been a really long time since he hasn't read a Playboy magazine, especially since back in the real world, they cost almost double the value of today, after a platform that let you post nudes and porn got banned in 216 countries.

Ronald rises from his table, letting his tea, that wasn't even drink yet at the table. He walks a few steps to his sniper rifle he used to took down a few creatures this morning, before the others were coming here. He takes the sniper rifle on his right hand, goes to the small table who was over the gun, takes from there five bullets, and goes back to his position. As he walks in a fast rhythm, he can hear the bullets flying to the sky.

The second horde is coming.