Viking's Way - Part 23

The weird looking person that is wearing Viking clothes, is outside the base, he and with other six soldiers are looking at the corpses of zombies they've just murdered a while ago. They all need to make sure these things will not raise from the ground, and surprise them later. Charly is the only who is using a sword to pierce the heads of the creatures that were not shot on the head, while the soldiers are using knives or machetes. A form of that squad of soldiers is also Ronald.

"That dude sure is weird." says a soldier next to Ronald.

"Huh?" asks Ronald who was busy to stab the head of a child zombie, he looks at that soldier, who's pointing with a head movement to Charly.

"That dude is weird, man. It is a good to let him in?"

"Probably." says Ronald looking at the man wearing Viking clothes.

They saw him how he stabbed the head of a zombie woman without any hesitation. They've also seen him stopping on the head of a baby zombie without any remorse. A thing that some soldiers would not do it because this is something sinister and will invade their dreams or provoke them insomnia.

"You!" says another soldier to Ronald, who was looking at Charly up till now. "Don't stay like that! Come. We have to kill these creatures for good!"

"Yes, sir!" says Ronald to that soldier.

These people continue to stab the heads of the zombies who weren't killed for good for the next hour. It was hard, but they have to do it, otherwise, they would be attacked again when this will happen.

Charly walks toward the creature that is classified as the Class F, the huge monsters who got easy blown up by a rocket, he notices the thing is having both of his legs destroyed, but the head and the arms are still intact. Charly decides to put a complete end to this zombie. He takes the helmet that was protecting his head, and he tries to do a stab to the head of the zombie. He notices the sword cannot pierce the head by one move, so he tries again, again, and again. After thirteen stabs, the sword gets through the zombie head, touching the brain of this creature as Charly could feel he gets through the squishy part of the brain.

"It was already dead." says a soldier approaching Charly.

"I wanted to make sure he stays dead for good." says Charly taking his sword out from the head of that creature.

Charly continues his job he has taken by himself.


Meanwhile, on the commander tent, three soldiers and the Commander of this squad, are standing on their tables, and are interrogating the survivors who have come here. First, they decide to interrogate Artur since it is the oldest person from this group.

"Name?" asks Commander to Artur as he takes his pen out and a piece of paper.

"Artur." says the old man, not stating his family name.

"Occupation in the past?"

"Tow truck driver." responds Artur looking around in curiosity.

"Family members alive?"

"All gone." he says after a while.

"Past home?"


"You've come all the way here with your team?"

"No. I was on vacation at Karlstad before all of this happened. I meet the two members of my team in a warehouse, and we stayed there for a few days."

"I see." says the Commander noting some things.

"After that, we decided to leave the warehouse away after hordes of zombies have covered the city and news of aerial strikes are coming all the way from there to Uppsala. We've fled to Vattern for a few days, after that, we've run to Uppsala, and there we meet the Viking who is outside and his sister."

"I heard he has relatives." says Commander noting this information on the paper. "Anyway, how many members were you before on the warehouse?"

"I think we were almost thirty. Most of them have probably died or fled this country with another squad from the military. Or are on their own. I don't know exactly, we were only five people when we left the warehouse, and from those five, only three of the initial group have survived. But when we meet these people, I mean the Viking guy and his sister, we decided to go here, at Samara."

"What are the names of the other survivors?"

"First names?" asks Artur, and after he got an approval from the Commander he says to him. "Edla and Sigurd."

"And names of fallen people from the group? If it is possible."

"Roy… and Ebba."

"Okay. I have all the information I need it. After two days, you and your team are going to be escorted via a helicopter to the nearest artificial island built by the Organization. As soon as you get there, you will be assigned a house where you will live with the other two friends of yours and assigned a job." he looks at Artur. "You might be a valuable asset as a tow truck here in the Army if you have experience. How many years if I am not rude?"


"Twenty years' experience? You sure will be a valuable asset as a scavenger or as a blocker."


"We use the broken vehicles to create walls where we can stop or slow the zombies down. The job of Blocker is a tough one, but he is one of the most important parts of a soldier squad. For now, we have three people assigned as Blocker and I say, they are doing a good job."

"Is this a pay for this job?"

"Only a house and three meals a day with one litter of tap water. Don't be too greedy. We have a lot of people on these islands run by the Organization who are keeping folks like you alive and well."

"I understand but what is the name of the Organization?"

"Honestly, I don't know. They have thousands of different names, but we decided to call it Organization in general. These are the people who prepared the gear, the islands and guides against an apocalypse event like this." says the Commander to the Artur. "Now. You should go and rest. And don't worry about safety. We can handle it from here."

Artur leaves the tent of the commander. The moment Artur left the ten, Edla enters the tent, while outside stands Sigurd, waiting for his order. When Artur was about to go and rest on his tent, Sigurd comes over him.

"How was it?" asks Sigurd curios at Artur who doesn't seem concerned or nervous.

"Honestly…" says Sigurd looking at Artur. "I will love living in one of their islands."

"How so?"

"They give food, water and a house to all three of us."

"That's great!" says Sigurd happy. "But, what about Charly?"

"Charly?" asks Artur concerned and he is looking at the gate. "He will most likely remain here. Leaving only the three of us to enjoy the house. And they've also assigned a job to me."

"What job?"

"They think I might be a great addition as a tow truck driver to their army squads to create blockages by using these cars." he points at the dozens of the cars that are outside the walls of this base. "This will definitely work." he says looking at a damaged truck, that is near the walls of the base, where two soldiers made their bed in the cabin. "By using that truck, we can make almost an unstoppable gate to normal zombies."

"But not for a Class F." says a soldier leaving the tent and who overheard the conversation of Artur. "You have seen how dangerous are those things."

"Yes, partner." says Artur acting as a friend of the soldier. "We've run from one of these."

"But with a cost." says Sigurd to himself, almost making himself feel down.

After a few minutes, Edla come out of the tent, she feels happy about all of this, and she looks at the walls of this base. Then, Sigurd follows the procedure and enter the tent, she goes over to Artur.

"How was it?" asks Artur to Edla.

"Great." says Edla. "I will be joining the military."

"Military." says the soldier who did not leave the tent exterior zone. "Welcome!"

"Appreciate it." says Edla.

"Be careful, because the training will be hell for the next two weeks. We even got volunteers who only came here to help us move things, but some of them ended up helping us. Here it is a man that used to be a carjacker, now he killed a lot of zombies with grenades launchers and machine guns. I think his name was Ronald and was coming from Holland."

"Holland?" asks Edla. "This far?"

"He is a member of Artificial Island Haga. And you three are going to be assigned to an artificial island built not very far from Gotland."


"Yes. We are going to use the island as a new base. Probably the first big base where we can create a friendlier environment for the survivors."