Blood Tribe - Part 4

Later this day, about almost an hour of difficulty in riding on the disaster roads of Nigerian, and trying to escape from hundreds of zombies who were running toward them, the group of six survivors have made it to the Dock, but to their demise, upon arriving to the entrance, all of them are looking in shock, as they see the entire entrance destroyed, countless corpses lying around either killed by bullets, fire or straight up cut their limbs.

"No… No. No. No." says Malcom running to the dock worried and on the verge of crying.

He enters the dock property, and upon arriving there, he sees the last ship, that left the dock about twenty minutes ago. He sees how t goes far away from the land toward South America. Malcom looks at the ships around this place, and they see all of them, besides that one who is still leaving, on fire and sinking into the ocean.

"My God." says Tina. "No."

"He left." says Remy in Nigerian, and he looks at Malcom. "Should we try to alert them?"

"It will not work." says Ga instead of Malcom who is looking distressed at the ship heading away from here. "That ship is already gone. It cannot go back."

"And why not?" asks Remy to Ga wondering.

"It's because turning a ship around is not like a car. You cannot just move the steering wheel, and expect the shit done."

"Um. Guys." says Ana looking a bit worried at the ship, in English. "That thing is on fire."

The group is looking at the ship who just left, now they see the ship is on fire and they can hear the screams from about six kilometres away from them. The group also see how some people are jumping out of the ship or are taking boats by themselves. The group of six members are looking scared at the ship and also a little bit relieved because this thing would have most certainly needed their lives if they had found a way to get there earlier.

The group remains there for a few more minutes, until they are kicked back to reality when they hear zombie's specific growl approaching to them. The survivors, seeing a hundred of zombies approaching them, they run to heir jeep, where Malcom, who is taking the driver seat again, he steps on the gas and he drives his group out of there. As the jeep departs from the Port, Zeny and with Ga, are shooting the zombies. Zeny uses like always the mounted machine-gun, while Ga, got a hold of an assault rifle with six magazines on a couple of corpses laying on the port's bloody floor. The group also took a few weapons from there, since they need firepower for their journey.

"Change of plans!" says Malcom who drives the car away from port and goes to the highway. "We are going to Kinshina island."

"Where's that?" asks a survivor, Remy, to Malcom. "In Japan?"

"No." replies Malcom to Remy who is on the backside with the female researchers. "It's an island too far away from here. Kept in security by the Organization!"

"Organization?" asks Tina. "What's that?"

"I'll explain later! Right now, we have to get out of here!"

Malcom drives the jeep into a road, and avoids any zombie on the road by either taking the one with concrete or on the desert specific sand Africa continent possess. As Malcom drives the jeep, Zeny and with Ga are doing their job by killing the zombies who are closely approaching their jeep. While Ana and Tina are looking around the windows, afraid of even thinking of staying in a military jeep with tons of armour.

After a few hundred meters of driving and dodging cars on fire, corpses and humans running around and screaming on their top of their lungs for help when the jeep was passing by the traffic. The jeep driver, seeing an immense blockage on the run, he turns around, and he goes another direction, but then, someone jumps on the jeep, and that person who jumped is a human who is covered in third degree burns and with his clothes almost gone, only a pair of trousers who are barely standing. The man who jumped on the windshield and falls on the ground. The jeep stops right after he was close to run over the head of the man.

"Stop!" yelled that man in Nigerian who was about to be ran over. "Help me!"

The driver of the jeep, Malcom, manage to ignore the man, but the man was persistent and he decided to jump to the jeep again, but the jeep did not stop. The man was running over the jeep. He was so focused that he did not notice the zombie who run after him, and the other one who tackled the man out of nowhere. Tina looked behind to the backside of the window to the poor man who is getting eaten alive by zombies. She can hear his agonizing scramming after he is eaten by the two zombies.

Around of them, there are several of human groups who are running for their lives, others are getting eaten as they tried to run away, or one, who decided to jump right into three zombies to be eaten. The people in the car, are all shocked by this. so shocked, that Ga and Zeny have decided to cease fire and let these horrifying creatures do their thing.

After about ten minutes of driving, the car stops in front of a blockage. That blockage was so big, not even Zeny, who is on the topside of the machine gun, couldn't see the end of this blockage. It was like one of those blockages from zombie movies, but instead of American classic style cars, the cars there are totally taken from Europe or Asia via a second-hand app or by literally driving or flying over to the continent and buying the car.

The survivors are all looking at each other, ignoring the people outside who are running from there, fighting the zombies or straight up getting eaten by creatures who were once human, and all these people inside the jeep, know what they have to do. They cannot remain here or drive this jeep further because blockages like this can happen all the time. And it's also the fact he think was having only fifty litters of gas available, it was not even enough to help them get to Chad.

Ana looks over to Tina.

"What are we going to do?"

"We have to walk." says Malcom taking from the backside, where Tina, Remy and Ana are, getting an assault rifle. The man checks his ammo magazine, and he looks over for a second, then he looks at his group. "Our only chance of getting out of here is by foot."

"Are you serious?" asks Zeny from the top of the jeep.

"Do you think I am joking!" yells Malcom to Zeny. "Now do a good thing and empty the machine gun ammunition on the things over the road!"

"Great." says Zeny to feeling great about this, and he proceeds to shoot all the thousands of bullets from the machine gun to the zombies who are close and far away from the car. He is not upset because he has to empty the machine gun, the real reason is they have to go by walking to the base and the distance to that island is about thousands of kilometres, which is more than five to eight days of walking.

The people in the jeep are taking weapons on their hands. Ana was the only person who kept her pipeline, and that is not because of a strategy to produce less noise. The girl is afraid of guns because of a childhood trauma. Tina takes on her arms a revolver and about sixteen bullets from the jeep. Remy arms himself with a machete and a pistol, while the two people from the fronts seats are arming themselves with assault rifles and small shotguns such as double barrel shotgun that Ga is having into his backpack.

The group waits for the moment when Zeny will say he ran out of bullets. Which wasn't long, because after three seconds when all got equipment with weapons, the man said from the top of the jeep.

"No ammo!"

"Go!" says Malcom to his group, and they leave the car as fast as they can, letting Zeny, jumping from that seat and running after Malcom, without any weapon on his hand.