Blood Tribe - Part 9


Benin City, a city that is located on the southern side of Nigeria, possessing a number of populations that has been before yesterday on approximative number of about one million or so people, and surface of about one thousand two hundred four kilometres square. This city is also known to possess Benin Airport, where a safe zone has been established a small unit of the African Army regiment. The people in that regiment are numbered to be around twenty-four personnel, who are busy with handling the survivors who have come here, hoping to achieve a chance of survival.

And on that place, a small group of foreign soldiers from America and from the Middle East have been sent here to pilot the dozens of aeroplanes for the usage of transporting the survivors to one of their safest artificial islands built by their Organization for this pandemic that has started to get their wings up like in Europe and Asia. On the group of foreigners soldiers, there is an African, who they've bought along to help them in speaking with the people from this country.

The Nigerian who is with that team is going by the name of Mohammed Al. Is actually a Muslim from Egypt who worked as an airplane pilot on a commercial flight agency. He worked for about ten years on Wiz Air, now, he is unemployed because of this infection. Mohammed is a six feet one man, an experienced pilot, and the only person who can speak six languages in this small group of ten foreign soldiers. This man can speak Italian, Egyptian, Nigerian, Chinese, Greek and English like it is his own language.

"Sir!" says a Nigerian soldier to the group of foreign soldiers who were about to embark on a military truck and head to Ibadan. "We need your pilot."

"What did he say?" asks the leader of the group, an American in his fifties to Mohammed in English.

"He says he needs me."

"Asks him for what?" asks the commander of that small team feeling a bit irritated.

"What for?" asks Mohammed to the Nigerian soldier.

"Our pilot, Samil, has gone crazy, man. He shoots himself with a shotgun in the bathroom."

"What?" asks Mohammed scared. "He was infected?"

"We checked his body. And it had only one bite on the chest. The size of a toddler to be precise, sir!"

"Shit…" says Mohammed, then he observes the commander of the army is looking at him. He wants to know what does that soldier demands from him.

Mohammed proceed to tell his commander what the Nigerian soldier wants from him. after he translated the demand to his commander, the man, not being too happy out this, he sighed and he tells him in English.

"Go. Do what you have to do. We can handle from here."

"Really?" asks Mohamed feeling a bit unsure.

"Yes. Don't worry. We are trained specialists for this kind of situation. Go and do your duty while we are doing ours to exterminate Ibadan. That is an order!"

"Yes, sir! Yes!" says Mohammed who is leaving the military truck, he says their goodbyes to the other soldiers, and says to them in English. "Good luck! Be careful out there!"

Mohammed is going with that Nigerian soldiers, both empty-handed, to a plane that is already filled with about one hundred people from Nigeria and dozens coming from other regions such as Chad, South Africa and even Sudan. Mohammed is going to the pilot seat, while that Nigerian soldier is going onto the co-pilot seat.

The military truck, loaded with heavy weapons and eleven experienced soldiers is leaving the airport gates, driving past the Africans who are trying to the military truck and begging for help. The soldiers are looking at the Africans, they wave at them and says the phrase "Everything is going to be alright!" as they leave the zone. The civilians are still screaming for help from them and demanding the access to the safe zone. But there were some who decided to remain silent, and wait fin the line for their turn.

"Next!" yells a Nigerian soldier after he let a man who presents no bite advance further into the zone.

The next person that comes in line is woman, who is looking like a person who was a while ago on drugs with alcohol. The soldier, before he was about to do the normal checkout, he observes how the eyes of that women are turning a bright white and was about to go on zombie mode. That soldier, quickly aim the AK's to the woman face, and kills her in an instant on the forehead.

Some of the people in that line are looking terrified at the woman who just got shot, while others are growing nervous because the pile of corpses on the grass is getting higher and higher as the soldiers, who got demanded to take the killed corpses and throw them into a pile.

"Next." says the same soldier to the next person not minding the fact that he just killed the fifteen-person today.


Seeing the stab on the backside did nothing, the tribesman retrieves his spear, letting the zombie enough time to drop the brain, raise on his feet turn his body around, and look dead in the eyes of the young tribesman. That young tribe member is scared. Scared to face a creature that little no knowledge it is in the tribe culture. That young member of the tribe, holds his spear in a defensive position and waits for the zombie to come closer to him.

When it got closer, the young tribesman, stabs the neck of the creature, and this did stop him from advancing, but it did not turn off the brain. The young tribesman yells for "Help!" in that incoherent language. He continues to hold the spear to the neck of that zombie for the net minute, when a tribesman appears, and he hacks off the neck of that zombie with a knife made by the teeth of an elephant.

Even with his head cut off, the thing continues to growl like a zombie that he is. The two members of the tribe, are looking terrified at this thing. Then, the same person ho saved this young man, he uses his elephant tooth to stab the head of this creature, stopping from moving it. He then, looks exhausted at the corpse of the old man, who is starting to get back. The two tribe members thought this is a God sign, but before they could smile, they hear the old man saying the same growl that the last zombie did earlier.

The two members of this tribe are leaving the tent, and are running to the other tent, to advise their chief about this thing that just happened on this tent. Their Leader is on this tent, but... with a twist.

Arriving upon their Chief tent, they found him in there. Standing to his back to the tent entrance, holding in his left hand an axe made by stone, and a dagger knife made by elephant tooth. On the ground, lays three human bodies of zombies, who are all finished. All three of them having multiple stabs in the head and on the backside of their skull. One of these corpses, is also having his head entirely cut off from its body, but it continues to move. The Chief, feeling the presence of his tribe members, he orders them to leave this tent, and take something from a tent. The two members are obeying the order, and are running to the tent where are the weapons stored.

These the tribesman have taken two swords made by elephant tooth, three daggers, two bows and a set of arrows made by pointy rocks that cannot even kill a zebra from this tundra. With arrows like that, they would not even be able to hurt a lizard, even if they could try. They leave the tent, and are walking on a fast pace to where the leader waits for them, in the middle of this camp.

Soon after they got to their leader, they hear a growl, coming from the tent here the old man and that corpse were. They look on that corpse, and they see the old members of this tribe, leaving the end, with his mouth having blood from the corpse he just ate recently. He looks skinner as he as before, and with his limbs about to fall on any given moment.

The chief, not wanting to risk it, he takes the sword the young tribesman has taken and uses it to stabs the head of the old man, and then he beheads him. These attacks were a quick one, and it made the two-tribesman shiver in fear at the force their Chief possess. They look mesmerized at the body of the old man, and they wonder if he is still alive or is dead, but before they could get to their thoughts' solution, the Chief is walking to the tent where are female hostages held.

The moment he entered the tent of the two female hostages, the Chief, goes near them with the sword. These women are still hurt by the things they were done to both of them last night. Tina, demanded mercy from the Chief who was approaching them slowly with the elephant tooth sword, swinging near the pole of their, and cutting off the ropes they were hold at. He first cut the rope of Tina, then goes to the other girl, Ana.

When they got free, the Chief, leaves their tent and goes to the other tent, where he will try to free the males hostages. The girls do not know what is going on right now, but both are looking confused to each other. They proceed to leave the tent, and slowly walk to the campfire, where the other two tribesmen are telling them in their own language to come to them and in gesture that can help the girls understand their intentions.