Blood Tribe - Part 15


The door of the hangar gets wide open, enough to let the plane leave at the moment he will charge up. When that hangar door got opened wide enough, Zeny, Ga and Ramy, armed with heavy weapons on both of their hands, they look at the wave of zombies coming to them at a slow speed. The three soldiers start blasting these creatures with all of their weapons.

The pilot, Tina and Ana are on the plane, waiting for the time when it will be on function and ready for departure to their new destination. As the plane continues to charge, they look outside, witnessing the strength of three elite soldiers who are capable of this fight.

Two minutes later, Ga shoots his entire magazine of an assault rifle to a wave of zombies, then, seeing he has no more clips at him, he throws the assault rifle to a zombie, destroying the head with only one hit. Ga goes to the crates, where he takes from there a submachine gun and goes to help his teammates who are not struggling to kill these creatures with their heavy weapons.

"We are almost done with them." says Ramy in Nigerian shooting his minigun and killing countless zombies.

"Kill them all!" yells Zany to the teammates as he shoots his last bullets from the heavy machine gun he is carrying.

And in a few minutes of shooting, reloading, changing weapons, and slashing zombies who were crawling with machetes, the line was clean enough to let the plane leave the hangar. After it left the hangar, the three soldiers get inside the plane, where they sit on the seats behind Ana and Tina. Then, at this very moment, the five people, staying the plane, are looking at the windows, at the remaining zombies who are running after the plane, who just take off from this airfield.

"We made it." says Ramy happy to the people. "We fucking made it!"

"Not yet, boy." says Ga feeling uneasy. "First step is done."

"First step?"

"Let's just hope the bases are actually still holding up to this day."

The survivors are looking back, on the ground where the zombies continue to go after them, not stopping not even a millimetre from their running.


After a while, the plane who left Zinder airport, is approaching the lanes of an airport located somewhere in Ethiopia. The airline is not overrun by infected monsters like those from Nigeria and Niger, rather by people who are wearing heavy armour, with a weird symbol on their armour, holding heavy weapons to even smaller ones like handguns or knives. They are all dragging corpses of zombies into piles and burning them with gasoline or whatever they can find. One of them uses a flamethrower to do this job.

"Who are you?" says a voice from the plane radio where the pilot and five survivors are in.

"We are survivors f-from Zinder Airport, sir." says the pilot direct to the person speaking. "Do we have permission to land, sir?"

"Are you infected?" asks the person from the radio.

"Negative, sir." says the pilot after a few seconds when everyone from this electric plane confirmed they are safe.

"All of you?"

"Yes. Not infected with the virus."

"Permission to land on the lane 2." says the voice giving the pilot and the survivor a sigh of relief. "After landing, please head to the nearest tent for checking in."

"Is it necessary?" asks the pilot.

"Is it."

And from there, the conversation stopped between the pilot and the person from the other side who seems to either be a commander or a general from the army because of the authoring voice he was speaking it. It may also be a soldier, but that doesn't matter at the moment for the team, what it matters is for them to get the access they need to be put on safety and deliver the package, consisting of Ana and Tina.

When the plane has landed, survivors did not even have a moment to register their new scenery because dozens of soldiers approaches the plane, aiming their weapons to them, and yelling at them to get out off the plane in order and follow them to the nearby tent for analysing. They all obey the order, doing what they have to do in order to gain their access to safety in this world where danger is now everywhere.

The five survivors are escorted by five soldiers to the tent. They were also stripped by their weapons by the same soldiers, even if the three of them are from military, they do not want to take their chances on this post-apocalyptic world. Especially with people who are more armed than them, and could take out a horde as big as New York with no problem.

Arriving at the said tent, the five people and with the pilot, are put in front of six doctors, who each is going at them, handing a small recipient for to their mouth. All of them demand the same thing to the survivors.

"Spit it."

And all the survivors have spit a drop of saliva in those recipients.

Then, the doctors are putting the recipients on the table, or one of them puts inside his pocket. Then, they take out their thermometer looking like a gun, and scan the temperature of the body of the survivors. After they saw they are alright, they proceed to analyse all the recipients on the microscope for a few seconds, then, one of the doctors, probably the leader, says to the survivors.

"You are all in good health. You are lucky."

"What do you mean lucky?" asks Ga to the doctors.

"It means nobody from your team is infected. Due to the nature of this virus, we do not know if he is either going through saliva, blood or even on air. Some people from other countries reported that they got infected, even if they weren't bitten."

"It may also be the water." says Tian in Nigerian.

"Yes." says the same researcher looking at Tina. "And you are? You do not look African."

"I am Tina. One of the researchers who worked on African Center of Excellence for Genomics of Infectious Diseases." she then looks at Ana, who did not speak, she is still frighten by all of this. "And this is Ana. My other researcher who worked on the same station."

"Two researchers. Alive and well. Fascinating." says the Doctor looking impressed. "You four would be so kind to leave this tent?"

"Yes, sir." says Ga, leaving the tent, making Ramy, Zeny and the pilot leave after him.

When they left the tent, one of the soldiers comes to them, and he orders them.

"Since you three are soldiers, we would need your help to clean the airport building. It still has a lot of corpses in there. With a risk to be reanimated."

"Reanimated?" asks Ramy. "They do come back?"

"I am afraid, yes. Even if you would shoot their heads, they have slim chances to come back. The only option is setting the said corpses on fire. Follow me." he guides the three soldiers to a building which was used for people standing in there to guide the planes or wait for their commercial flight to another country.

The pilot, however, decides to go to the hangar, which is at approximately fifty meters from the tent, and where a plane is loaded with gas.