Last song - Part 1

In the morning of Summer in Mumbai, India, at a house, one man, dressed in a costume, he leaves his house in a hurry. That person is running to his workplace, and he is late a good amount of thirty minutes. The man, as he runs to his first job, he is not concerned enough to see a person laying on the street, looking like a person who is on the verge of dying. Of course, he couldn't care about him because the aspect of him, he looks like a hobo.

The person, runs on the sidewalk, ignoring and dodging cyclists, runners and even animals. He even hit a person as he was running, he did apologize in a hurry to the person, but he did not look at it. And it was a good thing because if he had looked at it, he would be terrified to see a person with his face ripped off and with a greenish skin on his body.

A random stranger, a man who was selling street food for a moment, observes this individual that looks sick, he approaches him, and he tries to say something, but that things turns around to the person, starts to growl, then it screams, and bites man neck's.

The food seller screams for help, and the people start coming over to help him, but it is a grave mistake. When the zombie got the mouth from this man neck's, he turns to the first helper and bites his neck. Another person took the zombie from the man's neck, and he tells him to stop this. A few more people come to this scene, holding this aggressive person and trying to help the two people who got bitten.

"What is going on here?" asks a policeman coming over.

"This person is crazy." says one of the three people who are restraining this greenish person who continues to growl and bite the people who bitten earlier.

"Call an ambulance!" says the policeman to a woman who showed up here, and she does as she is told.

"Hey, buddy!" says the same cop to that zombie. "What are you doing?!"

The zombie did not say anything, it only growls and yelled as he is looking at the policeman. The cops observe this person's eyes are not right. His eyes look red. Not that red type a person who is consuming drugs would have it. They do not have any iris nor life in them, they are completely red like the blood from its mouth after he has bitten two innocent people.

"What is this?" asks the cop looking at the eyes of the zombie and seeing something green leaving its eyes.

Everything has started to happen so fast.

Another scream is heard from close. Everyone is turning to that person who just screamed. It is the female who called the cops, she saw someone jumping from a window from the third floor, and it falls on his head on the concrete. His entire body splashed a lot of blood into the people who were unfortunately close there. Only six people were splashed with blood, that presented a weird blackish red colour than a normal colour depicted in mass media.

The six people splashed with people, have all fallen on the ground. The people close to this scene are gathering to them, to see if they could help them. One of them approaches one of the infected, who was a little human kid who was walking toward school if we are looking at his small backpack. As that person tries to shake the kid, the kid opens his eye wide enough, to let the individual see the red from its eyes. And without a warning, the kid zombie bites the lips of that person, and with force he tears them from the innocent face and proceed to swallow them.

After the kid became a zombie, the rest of five people become a zombie, and all are rising on their feet, and jump on the people who have gathered in there. Then, the other two people who were infected become zombies and starts to attack everyone nearby. They all manage to get a bite from a person close to them. The food seller bites the left arm of a woman who tried to help him. And that random stranger manages to bite a man in his 20s who was close to him to offer first aid.

"What is going on?" asks the cops scared, looking at all the zombies eating the innocent people in front of him.

He is too scared to do anything, so he takes the radio and he calls for backup. After he did this, he sees how one of the people who restrained the first zombie, gets bitten on the arm, and he yells out in pain, then that person, seeing how everyone has turned to be from a bite or blood, he manages to take the gun from the police officer. The cop did not expect this, he looks shocked at that person, who has taken the gun from his pocket, and he aims at his head.

And he did the unthinkable. That man killed himself in front of the cop and the crowd of terrified people. The cop, only stands still, shaken by all of this, and he looks terrified at the zombies. The first zombie manages to overcome the two holders and he jumps on the cop, pinning him down and biting his chest. The cop yelled and screamed for help. But everyone, is running from there, scared to what's going to happen.

Not many remain there, only the zombies and the nine corpses who were later going to turn into zombies. One of these strangers were trying to fight a zombie, but it got pounded by a zombie. Even if the person died, he was brave enough to face a zombie with a spoon from a close food stall.

Later, when the reinforcement came, all they saw there were only blood, and corpses, laying on the street, most having their entire torso torn apart, intestines outside their body, faces tear apart and one person had his eyes taken to these zombies. The reinforcing considered of nine cops, all armed with guns, looking scared at the things that just happened on this street. One of these cops, is telling the scared people.

"Remember that manual?"

"Yes." says a cop near the cop who asked this cop.

"Do you think…?"

"N-No doubt." says another cop swallowing his saliva. "It started."