Priest of Death - Part 10

Dragan, Milan and Goran, are running on the streets of Uzice, they managed to overcome some zombies who were chasing them. These creatures must've rise from their sleep due to the explosion noise coming from the falling plane and the gunshots from earlier. The three people, getting into the streets, they stop on a corner of the street, standing there, shocked, looking at a zombie who is eating from a corpse.

The zombie turned around to the three survivors. That zombie is wearing a Kaufland vest, is having greenish skin, five bullet marks on its head and darkish blood coming out from its head. The zombie who is walking slowly to the survivors is Zoran, who has been killed by the villagers.

Goran, he takes a step ahead, holds a pipe from the ground, grasping it tight on its two hands, he prepares himself to commit a heavy hit on the fellow dead friend. When the zombie got close, Goran hit the head of the thing hard enough to make it almost lost its balance. Then he hit it a second time, which it didn't do much. A third hit was launched, and this one did manage to make the zombie fall on its back. Goran continues to hit Zoran the zombie a several times until it doesn't move anymore. after he did that, he and his friends, are mourning his dead friend for a while, then having no choice, they continue on walking further.

"Poor man…" says Milan sadden by the fact he lost another friend.

"These assholes are going to pay!" says Goran to his friends after they continue to walk and push zombies from their way. He only pushed one who was coming to them in a slow walk, and let Milan push the creature into a sewer hole, where it falls onto his arse.

"They will pay." says Dragan to Goran, being on his left. "But right now, we have to find a way to contact the Army."

"But how?" asks Goran to Dragan, who stopped from walking. "This place is a dead city. There is no way there is a working communication to Army."

"We have to try." say Dragan to Goran. "If not, we will have to continue running until we will eventually escape from city."

"We should've remained in the forest." says Goran to Dragan.

"Not now." says Dragan a bit angry by this. "This is not the time, okay, Goran?"

"What happened, happened, Goran." says Milan to the two guys. "It was none of us fault. We were hungry and desperate at that time. And we had to find help any way possible."

A few zombies are showing up to the survivors, whom they all decide to leave this conversation for another time, to focus on their running from these zombies and finding a viable source of communication with the Army named "Organization".


At the plane site crash, someone is leaving the burning flame, a man who has managed to survive the crash, but with a cost. His skin has been burned, together with a part of its clothes and hair. The man left the plane, screaming for help, and walking around in a dizzy state. The man could not see much due to the darkness outside, nor the huge flame of the plane could help the person see its surroundings.

The person falls on the grass, and it's screaming of pain, because upon falling, left leg long bone has been broken due to the weight and the injury. When he falls, he was trying to get up, but it was pointless, the only thing the man can do was to scream for help and accept the fate he will be burned. But at least, its body won't become a zombie.

"Hello." says a voice.

Upon hearing the sentence, the man looked around, shocked to hear a human voice on this place. He responded.

"I am here… I am here…"

He couldn't say much because he was coughing blood due to internal bleeding and injuries all over its sin. Every time when he was trying to talk, its chest would hurt and its tongue would hurt even bad. And he was saying that sentence in a wheezing tone, not in a tone that could be heard from a few hundred meters.

But thankfully, the priest, Sava, has approached the corpse of the man. The burning man is looking at Sava, with hope. But before he could do something, Sava, grabbed the head of the injured person, and he twisted it, until the sound of the breaking bone was heard. after he has done this, he starts eating the body of the survivor of the plane crash. As he was eating the body, the villagers were laying on the ground, not to relax or admire the night. They've been bitten, their face ripped apart by Sava.

The Undead Priest, has showed its true fangs, and now, he is thirsty of meat and blood.

After he ate the face of a human from the plane crash, as he was munching on its skin he looks back to the city, he smells the air, then, he looks back at the plane crash, he smells the fire from a ten meters distance, and says on a creepy tone.

"Only one on Fire… Fire… This world has no good fire…"

And the Undead Priest, walks back to the town, holding an assault rifle in its hands, with a smirk on his green-dark face. He walks toward the city as he was speaking with himself.

"They should die…Yes. They know everything… They know my nature. My food stocks. My way of making these humans believe I am their saviour… I am using them… Using them to remain who I am, and to not become a zombie, just like others…"

The Undead continues to walk toward the city, where the trio is searching for any reliable electric signal to help them communicate with the said Army and require some help to extract them from this dangerous place.


After a while, the trio enters a tent, located on the other side of Uzice, where there was supposed to be a second gate of this fortified base. On the tent, they see most of the things turned upside down or destroyed. The good thing was the fact this tent offered a flashlight, which was on the ground, and Milan almost broke it with its left foot. He takes the flashlight, turned it on and aim around the tent to help him, Dragan and Goran to see the things more clearly in this darkness.

"Look." says Milan aiming the flashlight to a crate, where there is written in English language the word "Ammo".

Goran checks the box, but after he opened it, he looks disappointment. The crate is empty, not even a small bullet of a handgun has been left in there. He saw it with the help of Milan's flashlight.

"Nothing." says Goran to his people, and he looks around. "There is nothing here."

"Absolutely nothing." says Milan checking its surroundings with the flashlight.

"Look." says Dragan, who was walking and crashed into a table. He takes from there a piece of paper. "Milan."

Milan aims its flashlight to Dragan, who is holding the piece of paper by the size of A4, having something important written in there. The text is written in English language, which is an inconvenient for them, because none of them knows any English to translate the following documents.

"Zoran knew English." says Goran.

"These fuckers…" says Dragan thinking about the villagers who have killed their best friend.

The trio puts the paper away, and continue checking the tent. They do not know the document they've looked at contains the short report of the "Undead zombies". On that report it states the undead can gain sentience and control of the undead, but under some restrictions. The report also suggests the reason the base got destroyed, which means it was written in a hurry by a researcher and remained in there, along with more other classified documents.

The trio continues to search this tent for a working device to help them communicate with the Army. Dragan and Milan looked everywhere on the tent, but then, when Goran decided to leave and search outside, he stumbles on an army zombie corpse, who is dead of course, due to multiple shots in the head, and his chest ripped apart by zombies. Goran calls Milan to come outside, which he did, and tells him to aim the light to the corpse. Milan does as he is ordered, the three people, sees a walkie-talkie on the hands of the soldier.

Dragan takes the station carefully from the corpse. He did in a quick and silent manner. After that, he turns the station on.

"H-H-Hello…" says Dragan to the station, not knowing to say.

"Yes. Hello." says someone from the other side, in a monotone voice.

The trio were all happy about this, they were almost screaming of joy, but they realize a loud yell could have awakened the zombies from their slumber.

"We need help." says Dragan to the walkie-talkie. "We are trapped inside Uzice and a zombie is after us."

"Uzice?" asks the person surprised. "You said Uzice?"


"Serbia?" asks the person after two seconds.

"Yes, sir."

"Damn." says the person on the other side in disbelief. "That city still stands?"

"Barely. Almost all of the buildings have fallen, corpses on the entire city and a plane has fallen. But we are not coming from that plane. And we need help, we are attacked by a zombie."

"A single zombie?" asks the person almost laughing. "Which zombie type?"

"We don't know." says Milan to the walkie-talkie. "But that thing is like a human, but can talk and run."

"Talk and walk?... Is he undead?"

"We don't know. We were running from that thing because he was trying to kill us."

"Oh man." says sounding worried. "I will send a squad over there as soon as possible. in the meantime, please keep yourself safe from that kind of mutants."

"Is he dangerous?"

"More dangerous if he is an undead who can talk." says the person on the other side sounding scared. "I will be in touch with you later and tell you the squad, until then, please remain in Uzice."

Then, the soldier closes the call, and let the three survivors on their own, to figure out what they can do to the Priest zombie who is coming for them. All they can do now is to search for a safe place in this city, and hope the Priest wouldn't catch them.