No! He Will Never Die

But Jun Feng didn't pick the call, and she was worried the more.

Huiyin had began to cry, The butler was worried and he understood what Huiyin was feeling, "Don't worry madam, I'm sure boss is fine he will be back soon, perhaps it is just a traffic jam, please do not worry" He convinced her.

Huiyin decided to listen to Ming Ze and be calm, however the time was still running out fast, and it was almost eleven o'clock, Jun Feng had never been late before,

She was getting more worried, he told her that he was coming home, but he hadn't arrived yet, and was not picking up his call.

Once the time was eleven o'clock, Huiyin couldn't stop herself from been worried, she decided to call his driver.

But the driver never picked up as well.

"Sir Ming Ze, he is not picking up his call, I don't know what went wrong, I don't know how to reach him" She cried.

The butler didn't know what to do, he couldn't solve such a problem. He was quite aware of the fact that his boss always return home before ten pm, but he was yet to come home, he told his wife he was coming and he stopped taking his calls, something must be very fishy. But he still tried to convince Huiyin that it might be a traffic jam.

"You see madam, I can assure you that sir is fine, remember that this city has a lot of traffic jams, though I know that he had never been this late before but he might be busy driving that he couldn't pick up his own phone" He reasoned.

Huiyin tried to reason along. "But the driver drives, not him right?" She asked while wiping her tears.

"Perhaps he sent the driver on an errand, and he decided to drive home, or perhaps the car broke down and they were trying to fix it. You shouldn't worry that much madam. I can assure you that there is no problem" The butler convinced her.

Huiyin thought that he was right, perhaps he is. 'Jun Feng had never been this late, so perhaps the car broke down and he doesn't have time for his phone' She thought.

"Yes, thank you sir Ming Ze, I will be going upstairs, good night" She managed to smile.

"Yes good night madam" Ming Ze smiled back.

The two of them turned to leave for their room.



The telephone at the living room began to ring, no body had ever called this late, who could it be?.

"I will get the phone madam" The Butler told her, he ran downstairs to the living room where, the telephone was still ringing.


Ming Ze looked shocked as the person on the other side of the phone spoke.

Huiyin watched him with curiosity and her heart skipped a bit when she heard him say 'What!'. Nothing happened right?, she was sure it was sure that Jun Feng wasn't involved.

"Sir Ming Ze, what happened?" She asked in curiosity.

Ming Ze lowered his head, how could he tell his madam this shocking news.

Huiyin saw the butler raised up his head, there where tears on his face.

"What is wrong sir Ming Ze?" She asked again, hoping that her husband wasn't involved.

"Madam, the caller told me that_ the caller said that_ that_s_sir had met w_with an a_cc_ident" His voice broke as he told Huiyin the news.

"That's a lie" Huiyin shouted. "I don't believe that, Jun Feng is fine." She said innocently.

"I can't lie to you madam. Sir is severely injured and he is at the city hospital, the caller asked us to come right now" Ming Ze continued.

"Sir Ming Ze, I told you that it is a lie. The callet is a bad man. He might be the person who is fixing his car, he just wants to trick us. Please go back to sleep" Huiyin continued to argue.

"Madam, I wish you should have picked up the call yourself, please let us go to the hospital, boss life is in danger" Ming Ze tried to comfort her.

Huiyin fell to the floor and burst into uncontrollable cry. "Oh no!, I still knew that something was going to happen to him, I had been restless since morning. Oh Ming Ze please tell me this is a joke, please tell me if isn't real" She cried.

Ming Ze lifted her up from the floor.

"Madam, this is no time to cry, we should go to the hospital and see boss, to ensure that he is okay" Ming Ze told her.

"Yes, sure. Let's go" Huiyin sniffed.

Ming Ze went to his quarters to get his keys. He couldn't even take off his apron and he ran to the car park with Huiyin, they entered the car and drove off.

Her arrival at the city hospital made her more anxious, many people with cars and bikes were outside the premises, there where noise everywhere that she couldn't even here the police and ambulance sirens.

"Are you mrs. Feng?" A young man asked her.

"Yes, please where is he?"Huiyin asked, and was wishing inside her mind that nothing should happen to her husband.

"Oh he is in the emergency room, he was severely injured. And unfortunately the doctors cannot carry out the surgery now" The man told them.

"What!, but please can I see him?" Huiyin cried.

"Yes please come"

Huiyin and the Butler followed the young man inside the hospital.

And they arrived at the emergency room, unfortunately Huiyin wasn't allowed to go inside, she only watched from the window and saw how her husband was struggling and trying to get his life.

Huiyin shouted as she saw Jun Feng covered in dark red blood. His heart was thumping inside his chest, his situation looked worse.

Finally the doctor came out of the room.

"I am sorry" He spoke, "He couldn't make it"

"No!, He will never die" Huiyin shouted.