His Family Accepted

Huiyin was glad that she had been engaged, it took them a long time before they could leave the restaurant yesterday.

Xiao Shuang told her all about his stay in England and the jolly time he had at shanghai.

And when Huiyin got home, she told her mother about her engagement.

Her mother looked expressionless, as if she didn't care about what her daughter just said.

"Mother, I told you that Xiao Shuang proposed to me" She repeated.

"That's good" Wang Shu replied simply. "And since when did you guys get to know each other?" She asked.

"Since my days at the university mother, I brought him home once" Huiyin replied, hoping that her answer would kill her mother's curiosity.

"Oh, you mean that the son of Xiao peng is getting married to you?" Wang Shu queried.

"No, I am getting married to him. He is taking me to see his parents in the next three days" Huiyin responded.

"But I think you guys are really too fast on this" Wang Shu continued to ask.

"Oh please! mother! we've known each other since our days at the university." Huiyin shouted as a reply.

Wang Shu seems to be thinking for a while. 'The Xiao family are indeed very wealthy. I wouldn't stop my daughter from getting married. This is a beautiful news' She smiled.


At the Xiao residence.

Xiao Shuang had been so chatty and excited since dawn.

He played heartily with the little kids. Every body couldn't help but stare in wonder.

'Why is brother Shuang so excited' The wives whispered to themselves while going to the kitchen.

Zhi Ruo on the other hand wasn't surprised to see Xiao Shuang happy. She already knew her son's behavior. Now all she has to do is to call him and ask him what he had bought that made him so excited.

Zhi Ruo walked up to the gazebo, she would seat and read the morning newspaper there.

She knew that it wouldn't take Xiao Shuang two minutes to see her.

"Mother!" He called as he walked towards her.

"Yes son," Zhi Ruo took her eyes from the newspaper and looked up at him.

"What are you doing out here?" He asked while seating. "And what are you reading?" He added.

"As you can see, I'm reading the morning newspaper, I have to be fully updated and know about what's going on in our country" Zhi Ruo replied.

"I see"

"And what are you doing out here?" She asked him.

"I went to help Those kids complete their projects. The teacher told them to create a little robot with battery. They couldn't add the..."

"You are helping the kids?" Zhi Ruo asked him in surprise. "I find that hard to believe" She sneered.

"So mother, did you know that I have found the girl that I'm gonna marry?" He changed the topic.

Zhi Ruo was speechless, she looked surprised and overwhelmed with happiness.

"Are you trying to tell me that you are engaged?" She asked bewildered.

"Yeah" He replied.

"So who is the girl? do you think I know her?" Zhi Ruo queried.

"Yeah, she is Liang Huiyin, she is my friend at the university. I brought her home on lunar new year" He replied.

"Dear me!" Zhi Ruo exclaimed. "Is it that beautiful slender princess? I will be so happy to see her tomorrow" Zhi Ruo remembered how perfect Huiyin's comportment was the last time she visited.

Her demeanor made the Xiao family liked her from the start.

Xiao Shuang couldn't wait to bring Huiyin to see his mother.

"I will be so delighted to see Liang Huiyin please I wanna see her soon" Zhi Ruo spoke in happiness.

"Yes mother, I will"


Huiyin was perfectly dressed in a beautiful white gown, and a pair of white heels.

Her beautiful lustrous hair was held in a ponytail with ringlets, and her bangs fell into a curl on her forehead.

Xiao Shuang was waiting for her in the car park, he had earlier came to greet Huiyin's mother. She spoke in a kindly manner to him.

While in the car, one could guess that Huiyin was nervous, she was going to meet the entire Xiao family.

"Are you nervous?" Xiao Shuang asked her.

"Sort of, I really don't know all your families" She replied and chuckled.

"You are gonna love them" He encouraged her.

"Alright then. I can't wait!"


The entire family were seating in the living room waiting for Huiyin and Xiao Shuang.

And finally the door opened.

All eyes fell on Huiyin and Xiao Shuang who walked in the room hand in hand.

"Mother, she is here" Xiao Shuang told his mother.

"Good afternoon ma'am, it's an honor to meet you" She curtsied.

"Such a pretty girl, with a nice manner." Zhi Ruo spoke.

"Yeah, you are right honey" Xiao peng added.

Huiyin was excited, Xiao Shuang families had accepted her wholeheartedly.

"So now, we have to fix a wedding date. And then send some gifts to Liang Huiyin's mother, we shall invite a wedding planner to fix the place. You should call Xi Yang and tell him to get beautiful flowers from the florist" Zhi Ruo had began to make arrangement for the wedding.

A date was also fixed.

"The wedding shall be held on the third of January, next year. At least we still have one months before the wedding" Xiao peng concluded.

Huiyin walked around the large mansion. She couldn't believe that she was going to be living with this family by next year.

Two little girls walked up to her.

"Hi miss Liang Huiyin" They curtseyed.

"Hello there little girls, how are you doing?" Huiyin smiled.

"We are good, so are you actually gonna get married to our uncle?" The first girl asked sweetly.

"Yeah, I am" Huiyin replied.

"So you are gonna become our aunt very soon?" The second girl asked.


"So we are gonna have a lot of fun right? will you and uncle Xiao Shuang take us with you to shanghai?" 1st girl asked further.

"Sure, we shall take you with us" Huiyin replied.

"Yippie! now please can you come to see our Flowers, we have a lot of beautiful roses" They took Huiyin's hand and she went with them.


This novel is originally published on webnovel.com.

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