Chapter 15 Damien

Tara walked on with a straight posture, and her head held high to show that she was indeed queen.

"Every curse looked like the next." 

"What do you mean?" Seraphina turned to stare at Tara with a frown.

"Every curse had the same face, body, hair and so on as the previous, but there was always a birth mark to differentiate. I believe you have yours in the curve of your lower back, just above the mid section of your derrière."

Seraphina's eyes bulged in surprise, "How do you know that?" 

She eyed Tara sceptically, as her hand went to rest on the spot her birth mark was out of instinct.

"When you get your memories back, you'll know...."

Tara trailed off as she came to a halt in front of two huge double doors, similar to the dinning hall doors, but this ones appeared to be fancier. There were two guards standing on both sides of the door.