Chapter 19 Entering The Dungeon

Ian looked at the hound that had come to a stop behind him with it's furious eyes concentrated on Seraphina, before he looked back at Seraphina and then let out a sigh. 

"It wouldn't hurt you, I promise." His face twisted in a grimace at his attempt at being NICE to her. 

The hound let out a low guttural growl as if telling her otherwise.

"It will hurt me, it will. Let's just go back. I don't want to see the family anymore." She cried out. At this point, she didn't care how she appeared to be in front of his eyes. 

Pathetic, weak, anything, name them! She didn't care!

He swiped a strand of his silvery blonde hair out of his face looking totally fed up. Folding his arms across his chest, with his legs spread wide apart, he rocked on his heels.