Chapter 34 The Four Conduit Of Lukshba

"But I'll never do something as bad as what she did." Seraphina protested.

"Yeah. You wouldn't, not when you do not merge with Maria." Cat turned to stare squarely at her in the eyes.


"I know that you met with Maria during your time unconscious, so do not look so surprised." 

"I-i don't know anyone called Maria." She stuttered, earning an eye roll from Cat.

"Come on, what do you take me for? I'm a witch with the ability to read and change emotions, you can't lie to me, as a matter of fact, you're a horrible liar. So, cut the act." 

Seraphina's shoulders slumped in defeat. 

"Never merge with her." 

"But Maria, she's a part of my soul." 

She protested.

"Yes. A part you do not need." Cat's tone of voice was firm and adamant.

"You can't just say that. Do you know what it feels like to have an incomplete soul? You become the laughing stock of everyone because they see you as weak."